what are the effects and dangers of tobacco? i need to know because im working on a project and its overdue by a week now. and my stupid partner manizha, dosnt do ANYTHING i need to know as soon as possible. thnx. PS: plz answer FAST!!

5 Answers
But everyones gotta go sometime, better to go out happy.
12 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Quitting smoking is very difficult especially if the smoker is physically addicted.
I have always been a bit of a health fanatic... when I did smoke, I was riddled with guilt and only smoked in private... sad and true. My guilt probably made it easier to quit. :)
I do hope this heart thing of yours gets sorted out and you get back to your old self quickly... Big hugs xo Fishie
It appears that you are being somewhat short with our contributor, Vinny, who states that he already gave you this information. Aren't you seeking the help of others with this assignment? A little manners would go a long way toward people wanting to assist you, don't you think?
12 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Just a little info for you - it is said to cause Cancer of the Lung - yes it can but not everyone dying from lung cancer has smoked in fact in their lifes. There is a gene that can be detected which indicates a predisposition to lung cancer.I am sure everyone has answered a great deal for you. Go on line and look up help or get a stop smoking kit from the pharmacist will give you more info.
12 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Tobbcco is used in cigarettes, pipes, cigars, snuff and some doctors even prescribe tobacco for health reasons-- Ironic isn't it. Tobacco has quite a history, why don't you quit brainwashing yourself and read how the industry started and how it became the life blood of so many Americans (I don't know where you are) The tobacco industry employed millions of people in the years gone by, tobacco had brought billions of dollars in taxes to the g'ment and state. Tobacco is controlled by the g';ment. 'Alcohol, tobacco and firearms' There is a g'ment division for this because its a huge money maker. Don't let 'em brainwash ya!! Most of the threat to tobaco is not true, although I don't condone you smoking because its a filthy stinking habit. I don't condone a person drinking alcohol to excess either and that also goes for excessive drinking of water-- Just a couple years ago a woman died because she drank too much water.
12 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Now go back to being 12.
Here's some advise do not smoke the filthy things I have a cousin dying from cancer he has smoked for decades the cancer is in his liver endinrinal gland and others I don't know who to spell name for the glands he stills smoking pray for the poor man thank you -p.s and pray for my nephew the stupid kid!! started smoking a few months ago to stop to quite before he WRECKS his health
12 years ago. Rating: 3 | |