12 Answers
I live in a small-ish town in Scotland, I've lived in cities and never ever liked it, cities are for working in,not living in, too impersonal, I like my little town where you can be anonymous if you want but can go out and most people know you and speak to you, that doesn't happen in cities.
12 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
I want to live in a hamlet - a little tiny place where everybody knows everybody else. I want that more than anything. I live in this huge city where big cars go fast and crime in rampant. Neighbors rarely meet. I want fresh air, good water, gardens. I think I would like people to ride horses like in the old days. That's one me.
The other me wants to live in San Francisco and live the high life. Answer is ... I dunnno.
12 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
Yes Romos I have always lived in a village, this one for 43 years, and before that in the village where I was born.
12 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
If you have a one in your karma you must have been here at the start.
I live near a high and windy hill,a maket town,Rose Hill,Surrey,
12 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
I live in a medium size city, about 70k. But it's very high tech and the people here 'now' are totally rude. (home of Google) I am soon going to retire, when i do we will be moving to Tennessee, 12 miles from the nearest town and it only has a population of about 1200. near a big lake! Thaks what I prefer now.
12 years ago. Rating: 5 | |