    why do people take tobacco?

    i need to know, because, im working on a tobacco project, and i need to know fast, because, it was due a week ago.

    +1  Views: 579 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    Addiction, look it up.

    It makes me cough a lot and its the only execise i get,

    I love it! i smoke a cigar once in awhile, It calms the nerves, safer than drinking for the same effect and safer than drugs, you can't overdose on a smoke, you don't lose control of your car while smoking and kill someone.  Tobacco is one of the biggest industries in the USA and always has been for 150 years, although tobacco use is going down in the USA they still supply most of the world with the stuff.  There has been a intense attack on the tobacco industry, much untruths have been formulated by lawyers, Hollywood makes a fortune in anti smoking ads and its quick cash for each state to impose their own tax.  Primarily, and most important, tobacco is not good for you but nothing is good for you in excess, many smokers do it in excess and it kills them, if you drank 5 gallons of milk per day, it too would kill you.  Second hand smoke and it kills?? This is trash talk, there is absolutely NO proof of this, none! if a person works in a garage repairing diesel engines he will eventually die due to carbon intake, look at his lungs and they look identicle as a dead smokers lungs. Second hand smoke can be anything, your bbq grill outside, automobile fumes, fire places, even your indoor cooking toxins  will find you and it doesn't need a cigarette to do it.  The perfume you wear, hairspray, bath soap, etc, all toxins. we live in a toxic world.  Also, even if we mere humans weren't on this planet, the planet earth  creates toxins all by herself that will kill you. 

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