    printing my pictures on card

    On Greeting Card 8 I have been able to print my own pictures on cards, now all of a sudden they are not printing right.  I have used Greeting Card 1 through 8 and until now I have never had this problem.

    0  Views: 1272 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago
    Tags: printing

    1 Answer

    Have you checked your ink level? I'm not sure what the issue is because all you say is they are not printing right. 


    Thanks, no the printer is working fine. I can't explain well, but the picture shows up in the print preview like it is missing pixels and it prints that way. I had Greeting Card 8 on and took it off and put 7 on, but the same thing. I tried making a card from GCF library and they come out fine, it is just when I add one of my pictures. I have used GCF from 1 through 8 and never had this problem. Have made maybe 50 to 100 cards. Wish I could send you a picture. It is weird.

    OK, since I am not a developer nor do I know this greeting card 8, you will have to give me more info. Is greeting card 8 a download or a program you bought somewhere?

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