Seems like most times when I look at the clock, it is 11:11. The other set of numbers is 3:13. I see 313 everywhere. 11:11 is mainly just the clock.
Does this happen to you? Do you get numbers that you see all the time in or on something? The same set of numbers?
I'm just curious. I don't even need to know if it means something. I do know that numbers play a big part in our existence though and each one is suppose to have it's own energies.
5 Answers
Over the years that has happened to me a lot.In my last month of pregnancy every morning without fail I would wake up to the clock showing 5.20 AM , I was convinced that was the time that i would go into labor or actually give birth.It wasn't the case after all.Another strange occurrence with the clock I had was when my grandmother past away, for a few weeks after on several occasions if I looked at the digital clock in my car, it showed 6.51. 651 was my grandmothers house number.
12 years ago. Rating: 2 | |

Many believe it is when their angels visit, there are many meanings behind the double numbers its what you believe.
When I see double number I can guarantee within 10 minutes my partner will call me..
12 years ago. Rating: 2 | |