    I have a first cousin, 51, with whom I am very close. For the past year, I've beseeched

    him to get a colonoscopy. Colon cancer is prevalent in our family. One can have it, and not have any symptoms...for a while, at least. I even offered him free round-trip transportation, which would entail me getting up very early in the morning and driving him 100 miles round trip to my doctor, who is fantastic. I gave him an ultimatum a month ago; "I will not have any communication with you until you've had the procedure."  He has not called since. I spoke to his mother who said there's nothing she can do. I am at my wits' end. Any suggestions?

    0  Views: 579 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    It's HIS life, why do you feel the need to insist that he does this?

    If this cancer is prevalent in your family it may be sensible for him to have a few tests done before resorting to such options, if the tests then prove positive it may be time for him and only him to decide about treatment, not you.


    Sorry clonge, I was thinking more of colonectomy,of which I have had a partial, but I still think it's up to your cousin.

    Clonge, you should get a colonoscopy too, since colon cancer runs in your family

    I don't think you should have cut off comunication with him. You're only hurting yourself.  Like my mother used to say ,  "  You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink "   and  " You can send a boy to college, but you cannot make him think "


    I agree with you, as ultimatums usually don't end well.

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