    I had a gun stolen a gov. model pre 1911 a 9mm serial # 70204783 I would like to know if still reg. Jim Platt

    I would like to know if all my guns reg. to Jim Platt in MosesLake, Wa. so I good check with my List. thank You very Much.I reported to the Grant county sheriff case 136501043. the other guns was a  sterling arm 22 auto serial # E05411.

    0  Views: 1152 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    The best place to get an  answer is from Police, sorry, cant help you here.

    We have freedom of speech, which didnot appear to happen in the presenter Pierce Morgans case, There was a petition to have host deported from US for attacks on pro-gun guests.!


    I moved your second answer to this question. I wasn't sure if it was meant to add to the above thread.

    I don't know much about Piers Morgan other than he's a UK import who talks to much about things he does not know about and how we Americans are all wrong because we do not just roll over and take it. If this is true, he needs to go home.

    Yup, Piers is a typical FOX personality ego ladened empty head.

    Piers Morgan is highly respected among world leaders, politicians, educators, other journalists (even when they disagree) as being one of the most knowledgeable interviewer/broadcaster/former newspaper publishers of his day, regarding world politics, and that includes the U.S.A. He is employed, not by FOX, but by CNN and is on the air for one hour, six nights a week. His "home" is the U.S.A. where he has been welcomed as a citizen.

    And? I watched the video. He's no different than the rest of the FOX clowns. Man I hate that network.

    Well, MANY, much more highly educated and informed about the entire world than I am, disagree with your summation. I surely can't believe that a whole network, on either side of any debate, are just clowns.

    They, you and me are entitled to our opinions. I think he's a Rush Limbaugh wanna be.

    He sounds nothing at all like Rush Limbaugh, to me. My studies in elementary school, high school, and again in college, regarding world politics and economics, only served to show me, how complicated the topic is and how little I know about it. That is why I appreciate listening to those who know much more than I, even if I don't always agree.

    The video I watched shows him interrupting, talking over and trying to push only his side. He may be knowledgeable in politics, I do not know. I've seen just the one video. He does not handle debates well. Well he does if he is going for the FOX debate style of debating which is to talk loud and over talk the opponent and not give him a chance to speak and explain, then like they all do, end the debate when they can't get the answer they want. Anyway, I won't be wasting my time with him as he is just too FOX for me. I went to Facebook and found the Sheriffs page. He has a lot of good information on it that Peirs did not let him cover.

    The wild west sheriff, would not answer the question!

    Because it was an area off of the topic he did not want to get into because it did not apply to why he told people to start thinking of protecting themselves. That question is a whole other can of worms and it has to do with our constitutional rights to privacy. Peir needs to stick to the topic, not try to get into sideboard topics. The sheriff was correct not to fall into it but to stick to the topic at hand.

    Piers asked him a question. The wild west sheriff would not answer it. That's what you do when you are being answer questions...that is, if you have an answer that makes sense.

    His answer would have been no and from what I could see, that was no interview.

    It depends on where you are, but the short answer is, you can't. In the U.S. most states do not require registraition, and in the few that do, the information isn't available to the general public, and there is no federal registration. --------------------------- Actually, there is a federal form that everyone from every state has to fill out when you purchase any firearm from a federally liscensed dealer (gunshops) That is form 4473. The dealer has to keep the form for 20 years. The forms must be surrendered to the ATF when you go out of business if it is before the 20 year period. In other words, the dealer you bought the guns from can tell you which guns are registered to you if he is still in business. _____________________ The 4473 form is not the same thing as registration, and any guns that are bought and sold between individuals don't require a 4473 in many states, so the answer to the original question still is, you can't find out what guns are registered to you, because there is no federal registration, and most states don't require it, and in the states that do, the registration database isn't available to the general public.

    Source :


    So, really, in reality the gun could be anywhere and nobody gives a s**t?

    The person at wiki who answered this is wrong. All handguns must be registered. Jim should have reported his gun stolen. Yes ROMOS, someone gives a sh*t. The police do and Jim should. But like anything that is stolen, where do you start looking? Since this is a pre 1911 hand gun, I'd say someone sole it for the cool factor not because they want to go and shoot someone with it.

    Jim Platt, lock up your gun/s. Then they can not be stolen.

    Ok Colleen,they'll stick it on their mantle as a lovely cool ornament.

    Washingtion State has no licencing reqirements for the purchace of rifles or shotguns.
    There are no licencing requirements for possesion of rifles, shotguns or handgunsYou did the right thing to report the theft to your Sheriff Department, just in case a crime is committet with your guns.

    ROMOS, you can throw your fit if the gun gets used to murder someone.

    Yes Colleen, they will certainly inform everyone when someone dies,if they can find the "serial number".
    No fits from me.

    The guns were registered. The serial number unless removed from the guns will be on the guns and on the registrations. I was just looking at gun instances in the UK last year. Gee there were a lot crime for a country with so much gun control. Gun laws do not work. Criminals do not obey the law. Where do you suppose all the guns from the gun crimes committed in the UK came from? Criminals not obeying the law?

    Keep them on the mantle Colleen, let the escapees from the asylums steal them.
    I thought you were studying knife crime in the UK?

    You had a lot of gun crime last year. I already know knife crime along with all other crime is up there since they took your guns away.

    Insane people do not obey the law. Adam broke into his mother's gun safe to get the handguns he killed those children with. Insane criminals do not obey the law.

    Insane is a generalisation of a larger underlying problem,sane humans shoot humans every day somewhere in the world,if all countries had the "right to bear arms" like yours, there would be chaos.

    There's no chaos here and if you believe sane people shoot people, you need to take a psych class or two. Until the advent of kids drugged up on prozac, we did not have so many mass school shootings. The kids killing kids all had mental or emotional problems and were on prozac. Adam's drugs have not been released yet but he was on prescription drugs for his emotional problems.

    If YOU believe it's only "insane" people we'll go to the classes together.

    I'm assuming you consider yourself to be sane. Would you ever shoot someone just to shoot them? Mass shootings occur as acts of violence, vengeance or uncontrolled passion. There's no sanity involved in those acts. There are the accidental shootings, those might be done by sane people but they are stupid people at the same time. Lack of judgment or common sense because they didn't use their brain.

    Law abiding gun owners are not the bad guys. The bad guys are the bad guys. I am not a bad person because I defend my constitutional right. Without the 2nd Amendment, there would be no 1st Amendment. I will defend all my constitutional rights. This might make you believe I am a bad person but you are wrong. I am an American. I will defend all rights given me by the US Constitution.

    You are obviously a trained professional in the psychology of random shootings and I realise debating with you is futile,have you ever thought of living in Syria?

    My country suits me fine. Along with the rights that the US Constitution allows me. Have you ever thought of not poking your nose into American business? Go save the people getting killed in the UK by gun totting criminals.

    Don't you mean knife toting?
    After all the "insane" people here kill more with that weapon, as you're previous research into "my" country revealed itself to you.

    No, I mean gun deaths and incidents. You still have them in spite of the fact the citizens of the UK can not be trusted with their guns. I'm not telling you what to do about your non working gun laws, am I? You live there with your dictative laws and I will live here with my Constitutional freedoms and defend them as best I can.

    Colleen, your state of Connecticut has much stricter gun laws than we do in New Hampshire and Vermont.
    In both states, there is mo licence required to purchase or posess a rifle, shotgun or handgun. In NH., there is no minimum age for the posession of a firearm. In Vermont the minimum age is 16.
    Pupils in NH. need written authorizaten from the superintentend to bring a firearm to school. Others are not restricted to bring firearms to school
    In Vermont it is not allowed to bring firearms to school.
    Nh. and Vermont do not require Mental health background checks.
    Assault weapons are not regulated in NH. or Vermont.
    It is legal to carry a consealed weapon in both NH. and Vermont.
    Until resently the House members of our Statehouse were able to carry concealed weapons.
    We dont have homicides in my neck of the woods, but there are plenty in the bigger cities, especially Manchester, almost on a daily basis.
    One more thing- no one has to report a stolen gun, both in NH. and Vermont.
    Its like living in the wild west. Pretty scary.

    I grew up in NH Ann. In high school all the boys had gun racks in their trucks. They all had rifles on those racks. No one ever shot up a school. But then there was not a whole section of students on prozac back then.

    Vermont had 4 gun related homicides per 100,000 population in 2011. NH had 6 per 100,000. Connecticut with it's tough gun control laws (we are ranked 4th in the nation for toughest) had 94 gun murders per 100,000. Tell me how more gun control works?
    Cities draw in crime, mostly gangs and drugs. How many cities have the police force to combat this type of crime? Hire more police.

    No guns, no mass killings, SIMPLE!

    Timothy James "Tim" McVeigh (April 23, 1968 – June 11, 2001) was an American domestic terrorist who detonated a truck bomb in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. Commonly referred to as the Oklahoma City Bombing, the attack killed 168 people and injured over 800.[3] It was the deadliest act of terrorism within the United States prior to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.[3] The bombing remains as the deadliest act of domestic terrorism in United States history.

    Guns are not a requirement for mass killings.

    GUNS, Colleen, GUNS!

    Taking away the guns from law abiding people removes the power from the citizens to stand against a corrupt government as made evident by Nazi Germany among others. Guns are not the problem. Un-monitored psychotic people are. Children on prozac are the problem. Get rid of the mind warping drugs that doctors prescribe to people on a daily basis.

    Collen, they are not going to take anyones guns away. But there need to be much strickter gun laws and semi-automatic weapons need to be banned. The violence with guns is also about our socio-economic problems and a government who commits violence on a daily basis in different countries.It sets a good example.

    Gun laws do not work. Criminals do not follow the law. If this government turns on us, I do not think a hunting rifle will be a good match to their guns. Ann, you have to see what is going on here. This is not about some shootings in schools. This is bigger than that. This is about the government yet again looking to strip a right from the American people. When do we begin to say no to a bad president and his corrupt cronies? Now is not the time for the American people to give up their arms or concede to measures that control the law abider but not the criminal.

    Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.
    Dwight D. Eisenhowr.

    Uh huh. I can bring you oodles more quotes from our founding fathers that warn us to never give up our rights to bear arms. Eisenhower began the whole shift in our government to steer it away from a republic democracy to a socialist government. His words are meant to enslave rather than keep free.

    You are blind to what you can see.

    You are enslaved to your government.
    "No free man shall ever be disbarred the use of arms" Thomas Jefferson.

    OK, if you are constantly paranoid enough to think you need a GUN so be it, not my way, never will be.

    Awareness is not paranoia. We stopped a king once. We can do it again.


    Watch and learn. We will keep the freedoms the UK people gave up. :)


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