    What can help me to think positively ?

    0  Views: 711 Answers: 5 Posted: 11 years ago

    5 Answers

    Set goals and get busy accomplishing them! Sitting around analyzing your life to death, will result in negativity. Accomplishing goals can only result in a positive personality.

    Everytime you have a negative thought, turn it around into a positive thought . And pray a lot. If you ask God to help you, he will. The Bible says, " You have not because you ask not " 


    and keep a journal. At the end of every day, write down the positive things that happened to you that day, and the positive things that you did for yourself or someone else.

    Thank you. I know that is my problem, but when i want to do something positive like talk with someone is like no one don`t understand me and then they laugh at me, like i can`t find the common language with the others. And sometime that make me feel worthless and have negative thoughts.Sometime i feel bored and i want to change myself with all my soul but like something stop and i can`t.

    I like A Course In Miracles. It is about learning how to control your own thinking and is free on-line at:       

    When I speak with someone who is super positive and has a life where EVERYTHING is great, I sometimes don’t feel real happy for them. Sometimes I get jealous. (I don’t let it show) In highschool when my best friend became homecoming queen, I found it hard to celebrate with her. Sometimes when a friend tells me of their two week vacation in Hawaii, I don’t feel real positive for them. This doesn’t mean I always hang around people who are down but sometimes too much happy happy joy joy isn’t the best for me to think positive. 

    I probably need to work on envy and thinking better of myself. BUT HOW?!


    Itsme. Think about people who are homeless, have lost theire jobs or theire house to foreclosures and then think how lucky you are. Happiness is not having THINGS that other people have but happy with what you have.

    Ann, you sweet heart, you ARE right. LOL. We often think alike and this time I hope to pick up on your thoughts. x itsmee

    No one has a life "where EVERYTHING is great"...only their ATTITUDE towards their personal difficulties, is great! If everything "seems" great, I assume that they are not telling me EVERYTHING.

    Eating well, a good nights sleep, exercise and meditation.


    Great answer witchie!

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