    I was driving my 2002 Kia Sedona LX in a snow blizzard. I smelled something burning. It was an electrical smell. Then I heard what sounded like a clicking that increased as I depressed the excelerator. The sound began to get louder as I drove. I was in bumper to bumper traffic moving slowly. The engine then shut down and would not start up again. I looked under the hood and there was smoke coming from the left side of the engine block near fire wall. I could not see if it was a particular elect

    I was driving my 2002 Kia Sedona LX in a snow blizzard. I smelled something burning. It was an electrical smell. Then I heard what sounded like a clicking that increased as I depressed the excelerator. The sound began to get louder as I drove. I was in bumper to bumper traffic moving slowly. The engine then shut down and would not start up again. I looked under the hood and there was smoke coming from the left side of the engine block near fire wall. I could not see if it was a particular electrical component or wire burning. Help! Do you have any idea what my car problem is?

    0  Views: 1479 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Do you have anti freeze ?

    Zackly my thoughts....sounds like a blown thermostat and the 'smoke' was likely steam from the antifreeze....barfing out all over the nice hot block..but I'm no mechanic wonder and I certainly do not have my own head screwed on too tightly so...coulda been a 'head' gasket and the smoke was from oil belching all over the gd any case...loved your most recent posting to me, my girls say you need your own show so we can watch you and your family trip round...hil-freaking-arious wd...where do we send the 5 bucks then?? LOL xox hee hee peace!
    Deleted User

    Hahaha that's what facebooks for lol

    We love your sense of Ha Ha...go on Ellen with that vid..send it...I dare ya!!! LOL You'd prob'ly raise like a million bucks!!! No shizzle!! ;D

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