15 Answers
Make a list...and stick to it!...It`s so easy to come back with a dozen things that were tempting..but not what you really needed..or had in mind when you set out!...And as Clonge said...cheaper brands are often as good..you are often paying for the brand label...or fancy packaging!:-)
11 years ago. Rating: 17 | |
What happened? Where do I put that question?
There are store brands which are of equal or greater quality than "name brand" items, usually at a lower price. Unbeknownst to many people is that many such products are made by the well-known companies.
11 years ago. Rating: 19 | |
It's lethal.
11 years ago. Rating: 17 | |
I keep a pad and pencil in my kitchen and write stuff down as I need it. If I shop for supper only (a bad habit), I scratch the item(s) off the list. I'll pick up what I can afford and carry in one trip.....
11 years ago. Rating: 15 | |
Grow your own vegetables if you have a few square metres of land, otherwise see if your local authority has allotments to rent (UK), or if there is an elderly person who has a large garden they might let you use some of it for growing food in exchange for keeping their yard tidy.
11 years ago. Rating: 15 | |
I have learned from living in a large family growing up when things were not as plentiful then. Also, I have modified what I knew then with what my wife knows. Combined they are: Only buy what you need, not what you think you want. Inventory items in the pantry and rotate stock! Plan a menu, and do not overcook, or over purchase, unless you will really use the leftovers! Have some staples on hand in the freezer and pantry, with those, the addition of one ingredient purchased fresh could make a complete meal. Do grow a garden, however, only grow what you will actually eat, the catalogs make everything seem like a must-have. Shop for the sales, stock up on non perishable items. Do not use an extra freezer or refrigerator if you do not really need it, the cost of operation, and loss of old foods not used, erases any savings! Go to the big box membership warehouses, if you have someone to share the volume and expense with, you really can save! Shop around your smaller deli facilities, their cold cuts are usually less expensive than the chain super markets. Important things, like toilet paper, there is no savings in the one ply products(off brands) which you need three times the volume per usage. Same with cleaning products, you get what you pay for, more concentrated products use less, save money. Again, everyone sells this stuff, do not buy it from your supermarket, unless it is cheaper. Use store coupons, and reward cards, if they really save you money!
11 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
I've read all the answers that were already given and can't seem to improve on any of them. Except to add that at our age we need to eat healthy, for the pennies that are saved will turn into dollars at the doctors offices. I'd rather give to the grocer than the doctor!
11 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
We grow our own veggies . I buy large quantity meat on sale. Also our stores have senior discount day which is 5% off- so be sure to take advantage of that if you can.
11 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Go on a diet
11 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
This recommended book had 100 cheeses to buy for the week. Many I'd never heard of. My grocer didn't carry the cheeses and I had to go to speciality shops ...It cost about a million dollars.
How did I get on this?!
I think as mentioned, planning a menu is important, it often puts and end to those impulse purchases, also eat seasonally, the produce grown locally when in season is not only cheaper but often better, no point buying spring lamb in the middle of winter! I also plan for leftovers,I know we will get sick of the same thing so I alternate them between other meals and when all else fails the dog next door gets a feed, he earns it, he's a great watchdog, I also make one or two vegetarian meals a week
11 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Make sure you spray your goeseberrys,
11 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
--hector : D x
I buy groceries and cook. I buy quality food and eat lightly. A simple breakfast, toast with a bit of and ½ glass of milk with meds. no lunch, just a snack if that, maybe a salad. Dinner, 1 cup of soup and 1 little bread with a slice roast beef,ham and or cheese. Fruit, an apple, pear, grapes etc sparingly and usually around noon. Tea, coffee and/or distilled water daily and lots of it. I have been drinking distilled water of 45 years. I price check and buy in bulk when it beats out the regular sales prices. I make my own jam, jelly, vinegar, alcohol, colloidal silver and environmental controls. I raise chickens for eggs which produce more than enough to pay for their own feed and provide eggs for home use. I am very ambitious (who knew) but my shop looks like a junk yard dump presently. But it does change a lot and …..maybe it will get completely cleaned-up by next year this time. If I put it off long enough, I will have to get it cleaned up next lifetime.
11 years ago. Rating: 2 | |