1 Answer
Claire \c-lai-re\ as a girl's name (also used as boy's name Claire), is pronounced clare. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Claire is "bright, famous". French form of Clara. Introduced to Britain by the Normans, but then abandoned. This spelling was revived in the 19th century as a variant of Clare as in Saint Clare of Assisi (13th century), founder of a Franciscan order of nuns and one of the notable saints of the medieval period. Writer Clare Booth Luce; actresses Clara Bow, Claire Bloom, Claire Danes.
Claire has 61 variant forms: Ceara, Cearra, Cheeara, Chiara, Ciara, Ciarra, Clair, Claireen, Clairene, Claireta, Clairette, Clairey, Clairice, Clairinda, Clairissa, Clairita, Clairy, Clara, Clarabel, Clarabelle, Clare, Clarene, Claresta, Clareta, Claretta, Clarey, Clari, Claribel, Claribella, Claribelle, Clarice, Clarie, Clarinda, Clarine, Clarisa, Clarissa, Clarisse, Clarita, Claritza, Clarrie, Clarry, Clary, Claryce, Clayre, Clayrette, Clayrice, Clayrinda, Clayrissa, Clerissa, Cliara, Clorinda, Klaire, Klara, Klaretta, Klarissa, Klaryce, Klayre, Kliara, Klyara, Seara and Searra.
Baby names that sound like Claire are Klarra, Clora, Glaurea, Glaura and Klari.
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