    What you can't tolerate in your life?

    +2  Views: 2496 Answers: 11 Posted: 11 years ago
    Tags: life

    11 Answers

    Snobby people

    People who abuse animals

    People who are never satisfied.with what they have.

    Bad manners.

    Pessimist....Those who refuse to acknowledge the good in anything, always negative......

    I cannot stand people who do not pull their weight, and depend upon others to provide for them, when they are quite capable!  Do not get me wrong, some social programs are great and necessary, but there is way too much abuse!

    Liberals-- People that depend on g'ment to support them, g'ment meaning 'ME'...


    Would you prefer to be paid to keep an immoral government secret or die? Some folk would rather blab-blab-blab only to be called a lier and fraud, renounced as crazy or thrown into jail for a few years. Folk like that are paid to accept the “You are nuts” label and paid shut-up money by corporations and/or government. There would be no government if everyone in the "know" were busy with tell-alls. As is, bribes and pay-offs are pigeon-holed into a range of guises. Your blindness is nothing to brag about either.

    Robert, LOL!! I have no idea what you are saying up there.. I would hardly make assumption that "I am blind." I work 5 days per week, pay my taxes and do what is expected of me to live a clean life with my family, I will not be quiet though, I don't like what is going on in our country, I don't like where our 'elected' leaders are taking us and i don't like people that contribute nothing the right to vote for my future supporting them.
    i don't even know if I am addressing your reply, I didn't understand it.. nonetheless, I will post my values and concerns under your reply anyway. LOL!!!

    I am not in charge of it all either.


    locust |?l?k?st|
    1 a large and mainly tropical grasshopper with strong powers of flight. It is usually solitary, but from time to time there is a population explosion, and it migrates in vast swarms that cause extensive damage to crops.
    [Several species in the family Acrididae, including the migratory locust (Locusta migratoria), which is sometimes seen in Europe.]
    • (also seventeen-year locust )the periodical cicada.
    2 (also locust bean )the large edible pod of some plants of the pea family, in particular the carob bean, which is said to resemble a locust.
    3 (also locust tree )any of a number of pod-bearing trees of the pea family, in particular the carob tree and the black locust.
    ORIGIN Middle English: via Old French locuste from Latin locusta ‘locust, crustacean.’

    People who don't realize, what they say they are least able to tolerate in others is generally a reflection of what they dislike the most about themselves, and often try to conceal from others by voiceing their opinion against it.

    Control Freak Bullies.

    trust in people

    People that are intolerant of other peoples culture and the Dutch..!!


    One of my best friends is Dutch. She and her husband are wonderful people and she is also a brilliant artist.

    I imagine I have missed the joke.

    Sorry no harm meant it's just a dumb line from the movie "Goldmember" with mike myers

    :D ... That explains it!

    all 4 of my mother's grandparents came to the U.S. from Holland- - -when they were young.

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