    old bank acc

    Please help, I need to find informationon  on an old bank acc dating about the 80s at the trust southland bank, now Westpac. Thank you, Jeanette.

    0  Views: 803 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    You can contact Westpac and ask them about your account at

    Do you have some proof that the acct belongs to you. A the bank will charge you a hefty fee for digging out this dead acct so it must be worth your while to have a reasonable idea AND lastly when did you come out of slumber? 

    Hi, I emailed the bank, but they dont keep acc after 7 years. So no good. I worked through a clarvaint to get other prove.Just have to now find it in the house, know what room and what its in, just a bit orquid to  get my mother out of the room for me to look. Might not get prove, in time. My Mother is 88. If I can get it, I can deal with it through the lawyer, quitely. Jeanette.

    I was left money in a will, and I also have to prove it with this  acc, so I can get it. 

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