The monsoons are here!
As ex tropical cylone Oswald moves down the Queensland coast most of our Northern towns are experiencing some flooding.We have had constant rain overnight here in Brisbane & are expecting more than 300mm (12 inches) in the next 24 hours Together with some wild winds.Most Australia day functions have been cancelled.
Tom, are you in the path?
Mate!!!! It's been literally P****ng down here for 24 hours.My home town Budaberg was hit by 5 tornados yesterday.They are expecting some of the same here tonight.We'll be OK tho.(I think).
It's crazy mate.See my comment to Colleen's answer.We had to drive to the Gold Coast this morning to check on our other property.The Gold Coast is in turmoil.Everything is shut down because of power blackouts or the driving rain or the 100mph wind.There is debris all over every road.mainly tree limbs.The roads were virtually deserted in most places & that's wierd for the Gold Coast on a public holiday.
3 Answers
Best wishes to all of akaQA's friends from down under that you all stay safe and dry! Take care all.
11 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Thanks Colleen.we're even getting tonados which is pretty much unheard of in this part of the world.My home town Bundaberg was partly demolished by 5 of them yesterday.I think we will be pretty safe where we are tho.Fingers crossed.(Toes too :))
Wow, scary times. I 'm glad you are in the better section. This is the change my mother kept telling me about. Expect this stuff world wide as the earth settles into her new angle from shifting on her axis.
Monday 5 Pm here now & it's nearly all over.Some parts of S.E.Queensland have had up to 500mm (20 inches) of rain.The wind gusts were the scariest.Gusts of 100 mph every 20 minutes or so.I never went to bed last night.Got some damage to our property.Lost the roof on one of my sheds & a few power tools were damaged by the heavy rain.But we're OK.
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