    Why is it ok for a female to wear provocative clothing, like a string bikini in public, but if a man exposes too much flesy, he is called a pervert or accused of indecent exposure. In Europe, men often wear very brief suits and no one minds.

    It's the double standard in this country. Women "get off" by dressing that way in public. Men, at least normal men, are turned on by scantily attired females, but get rejected if they show any interest. If that's the game women want to play (teasing), I would appreciate it if they would keep their clothes on.

    0  Views: 677 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

    4 Answers

    Where in public are women walking around in string bikinis? The beach? Well that's where they are suppose to dress like that. I do not believe they are wandering the streets or out shopping dressed like that. Stores would not let them in. They would be told to cover up. I do not believe they would be allowed to walk the streets dressed solely in a string bikini. That is too much exposure for the general public. I've yet to see any woman walking around completely topless. Men do how ever and some men should not as they have larger breasts than a lot of women do. Cover up men when you're so fat that your manboobs jiggle when you walk. No one wants to see that nastiness. And make sure your swim trunks are not so skin tight that there is nothing left to the imagination. Children do not need to know what a man's package looks like.  

    Which country? I'm Australian.Men wear budgie smugglers on the beach here & nobody complains.


    PS. Our girls wear teeny weeny little bikinis too & as I offer a welcome to visit Australia to everybody that uses this site,you are welcome to come have a look but if girls in bikinis offends you,for God's sake stay away from the beach!

    “budgie smugglers” tee hee. : )

    Where are you going to the beach? I've seen barely clad folks of both genders all over! Some should stay clothed, however!

    I go to nude public beaches in California…clothing optional. Doesn’t bother me being around nude men, women and children of all ages. 


    I think leaving the kids at home is a good idea. When they grow up they can decide whether nude beaches are for them.
    It would have been trauma for me as a little kid to see all that.

    inhibition |ˌin(h)iˈbiSHən|
    a feeling that makes one self-conscious and unable to act in a relaxed and natural way: the children, at first shy, soon lost their inhibitions | a powerful tranquilizer that causes lack of inhibition.
    • Psychology a voluntary or involuntary restraint on the direct expression of an instinct.
    • the action of inhibiting, restricting, or hindering a process.
    • the slowing or prevention of a process, reaction, or function by a particular substance.
    ORIGIN late Middle English (in the sense ‘forbidding, a prohibition’): from Latin inhibitio(n-), from the verb inhibere (see inhibit) .

    The inhibition of any creature or person to their nature can produce psychological effects from forced compliance. It is not so much of an issue of socializing as behavioral compliance. Children who learn to wear clothing by seeking to emulate others are less insecure in the world.

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