    What Is “the End of the World”?

    The Bible has much to say about the fact that “the world is passing away.” In many places it contains specific information about the time that it also calls “the conclusion of the system of things.” But when the Bible speaks about this “end of the world,” what does it mean? Does it mean that our home, planet Earth, is to be destroyed?—1 John 2:17;

    +1  Views: 1186 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago

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    Karma: 105

    Yes,there seems to be no shortage of end-of-the-world scenarios. Books, movies, and magazines, ranging from the comic to the scientific, portray an assortment of doomsday catastrophes. They include annihilation by nuclear war, asteroid collision, deadly virus, runaway climate change, or invaders from outer space.

    Religious views also vary; many teach that “the end” will bring an end to all life on earth. Commenting on Matthew 24:14, one theologian wrote these dire words: “This verse is one of the most important in all the Word of God . . . Our generation faces potential destruction of such total proportions that few of us try to envisage the awful reality.

    Does it strike you as curious that there is so much confusion about Matthew 24:14, a verse that even a child can understand, and with no fear

    6 Answers

    Lots of info here.....

    Twice last year the world ended, I'm surprised you didn't notice.


    I did notice,but that not what the Bible teach.

    So maybe the Bible is wrong.

    The end of the world is when you die. Doesn't matter if it 5 billion years away.

    The 'end of the world' is like all things.

    We can embrace the reality of facts or we can run and hide, blotting out our consciences in the futile attempt to remove the pain from the fear.



    I 'm afraid you missed it, it was last month. lol.

    Of course, stories and theories make some people nervous. Some of these claim to be scientific.

    In contrast, the Bible’s version of what the future holds paints a more reasonable picture. According to the Bible, for a certainty, a great change is coming. But survival is guaranteed to all who do God’s will. Furthermore, the Bible does not foretell that the earth will be blasted to a cinder or frozen like an ice cube. It will be transformed into a global paradise.

    When asked about the sign of his presence "and of the conclusion of the system of things," Jesus replied: "Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes .?.?. and because of the increasing of lawlessness the love of the greater number will cool off." (Matthew 24:3-12) Thus, all of today’s sad news has an encouraging meaning—soon God’s Kingdom government will bring peace to obedient mankind. Jesus said: "When you see these things occurring, know that the kingdom of God is near."—Luke 21:31.

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