    does anyone knowa good joke

    0  Views: 1372 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    Hey, annalee??? I got a picture for youSuccess Kid - Eating Cookies N Creme Ice Cream

    A little old lady got into a lift and two rich ladys were in the same lift. One lifted her arm and said beautiful perfum $190 per bottle. The other did the same and said $300 per bottle. The little old lady lifted her leg, let off a big fart and said Baked beans $2 per tin


    Har har

    Check this page  >

    I do know a joke, but he takes himself QUITE seriously.


    That is quite a jolly joke Bob,i cant stop laughing,he,he,he,

    Thanks, Brenda!

    A Texan rancher comes to Ireland and meets a Kerry farmer. The Texan says, it takes all day for me to drive from one end of my ranch to the other. The Kerry famer says. Ah sure, I know Sir, we have tractors like that over here also.

    Two Paddies were working for the City Public Works Department.  One would dig a hole and the other would follow behind him, and fill the holes in. They worked up one side of the street, and down the other side, then move on to another street, working furiously all day, with out a break or a rest. One man digging a hole, and other filling it in again. An onlooker was amazed at their hard work, but could not understand what they were doing. So he said to the hole digger, Im impressed by the effords you two are putting into your work, but I dont get it. Why do you dig a hole only to have your partner to follow behind and fill it in again? The hold digger wiped his brow and sighed. Well I suppose it looks odd because we are normally a  three person team  But today the lad that plants the trees, called in sick.

    Whats one thing in common with a tornado , hurricane , and east texas divorce? ----------Someone going to lose a mobile home.



    Ha Ha!!!!

    ....the truly warped get it.

    Dry. Very, very dry.

    ....can't imagine a dry Fish-O

    I am goofy and warped. And, highly opinionated .... which gets me into trouble.

    ... But, I can cook like nobody's business sooo, that has to count for something. AND, I am a great hostess.

    I also would have written, "Yes" as I am on the ball with 'one liners'. My husband is a 'pun man'. .... drives me crazy :)

    Yes David Cameron. 

    An American in Aussie on tour asks the guide how long did it take to build the Sydney Harbour Bridge,the tour guy says "about 2 years",The American guy say's."well back in the US of A we would build that in about 1 year",when they came to the Gateway Bridge the American said,"and how long did it take you to build that there bridge",The Aussie guide says"about 3 years",the American say's,"well back in the US of A we would build that bridge in about 2 years",the tour guide is getting a bit peeved by this Bloke,,so when they come to the Sydney Opera House,the American say's."and how long did it take you guys to build that there Opera House",The tour guide turned to the American and said"stuffed if i know mate,it wasn't there yesterday..>>>>>>>><<<<<<..

    What is brown and sticky?


    A hot Mars Bar,,

    Correct answer CB!

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