8 Answers
Here's the list of things that make me...cry...
Imagining this life is all a very bad joke...but then I snap out of it and take some accountability for even being here to begin with and my tears of bitterness and betrayal by some unseen unknown uncontrollable 'higher' power...turn into tears of joy!
{ quotes around 'higher' as I grew up in the sixties...lol }
12 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
I cried really hard one freezing night last week. My husband opened the door and I stepped out to feel the night. The bitter freezing cold took me by surprise. . I worried about the stray dog that we’ve been taking care of. I thought she would freeze. My sleeping was restless for about six freezing nights. It’s warmer now. Maggie Mae (the lost Sheltie I named) has survived the worst of it. She is feral but not dangerous. What a cute little dog she is. boo hoo.
12 years ago. Rating: 10 | |

As she was leaving with her new mistress I petted her, sang to her, and told her <3 so much.
For a person who doesn’t like dogs, she stole my heart. I’m going to go to the pound and see if I can get a Sheltie (cheap) I like their personalities.

How long had the lady had Maggie Mae before she went missing and what is her other given name? Will the lady let you come visit Maggie Mae if you want to see her?
I'm sorry if this is being nosy, but I've been following your comments about Maggie and I love dogs and happy endings.
I am getting over heartbreak now, of course. I won't see her again. The owner was a dog person and didn't even thank me. You guys did. Thank you.
I'm thinking of writing a children's book about this experience. Just a few words and lots of pictures. A writer of books for preschool kids does not do the illustrating.
Wonderdyke, and Colleen have given me help along the way. Somebody else ...