    How do I clear songs from a previously owned iPod nano 6 generation?

    I bought an iPod nano 6th generation second-handed, and I want to delete all of the songs on there, and download new ones.

    +1  Views: 608 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    This is from>>>>

    ... do it through iTunes. If your iPod is set up for autosync, simple configure your iPod not to sync the particular songs you wish to delete from your iPod.  Or if you have your iPod set up to only sync checked songs and videos, remove the tick marks next to each track you no longer want on the iPod and resync it.


    Otherwise, if you manually manage its contents, you can manually remove these tracks from the iPod in iTunes.  Plug the iPod in, click the small black triangle on the right of it from under the Devices section in the left pane of iTunes.  This should open up a submenu.  Click music and then when you find a track you wish to remove, simply highlight it and press Delete or right->click on it and choose Delete.

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