    What do you do when you feel worthless?

    +6  Views: 1840 Answers: 19 Posted: 12 years ago

    You have very heavy thoughts for a 14 year old.Where is it all coming from? Lighten up kiddo. Love your life & LIVE! You only get one shot at it,so make the most of it.

    Thank you.I always want to express what i feel and what i think. Really like a kid, i have and i had very difficult moments maybe that make me more stronger in my character, in my opinion etc. I like your thoughts and have helped me so much, thank you .

    19 Answers

    The Mind is very powerful. If you think you are worthless, you will feel worthless.
    When you change your thinking that you can accomplish great things and are not worthless, you will accomplish great things.


    smart idea, it motivates me to be a worthwhile being. there are times that i felt this way and i got down thanks for this thought you've shared.

    Try to find someone to help out with THEIR difficulties, even if it seems to be a bit of an insignificant way to help them.  It comes back to you, ten times over and feels really good.

    Worthless was my cat. Thanks, now I'm depressed.......


    Cats are special people. I do understand.

    jh, I was going to ask you .....did you ever find your cat ?

    itsmee, funny you should say that, b/c I've posed a question on here before for cat owners asking, "Do you ever feel that your cat is a person ? " I thought I was losing my objectiveity,( or my mind) till you said a cat is a special person, too. :-)

    ?Still no news on your cat Julie?...I`m SO SORRY TO HEAR THAT! all love mills xxxxhugs



    and Shootah, just because you're not paranoid, it doesn't mean that they aren't out to get you. hahaha.



    Oh! Good one. Also walk or run.

    I have always has bouts of feeling depressed. I kinda sulk around for awhile and that feeling passes. That comment  1967 made about dancing was so true. When I was very sad over my mom’s illness, I would drag myself to an aerobic class six days a week. I really worked it. When I came out of the class I was soaked in perspiration. My hair was totally wet. This is the way I got through her stroke. It’s worked other times too. 

    Also, I went to a counselor. That helped too.

    By the way, people who work do not feel worthless, they feel accomplished and self reliant.  Another reason for you to find a job, (as my suggestion in an earlier post).  So you see, your life will change for the better once you become more of a success in life, it can start with a simple part time job.  Do not leave school, however.  In fact, if you have real issues, there are staff at your school in the guidance department who can help, or get you with someone who will help sort out your feelings.  Good luck...


    Sometimes a job can make you feel worthless, too...depends on the job, the boss, co-workers. Too many of us have jobs just for the paycheck, not for the personal satisfaction of a job well-liked well done.

    True very true, I did not want to depress the young girl with some of those facts, and tried to be upbeat...

    I don't focus on the negative.I focus on the positive.

    You're not worthless.My guess is someone in your life is just making you feel that way.My best advice is to stay out of their orbit, Not everyone can be indispensible but we all make our contribution in our own way & in our own time.You're very young.Give it time.


    Tommy, that’s such a good answer. I agree that other people in your orbit can make sensitive people feel terrible. I'm pretty tough now but when I was younger mean people could make me feel horrible.
    Sheila was fat and looking back I think she was jealous of me. (I wasn’t fat) One time in high school she decided that I shouldn’t wear panty hose. (It was a short-lived fad in the U.S.) Anyway Sheila and another girl ripped my hose off. It was horrible experience.
    I was the one who felt worthless and stupid. That was bully stuff. It was particularly bad because she was in my ... clique.
    jersy: I didn’t do anything. I just suffered low self esteem. I wouldn’t tell even my parents. I should have gone to the school counselor but didn’t. Maybe my teen years were the most difficult for me.

    That's terrible Itsmee.If anything like that happened these days there would be terrible consequences for those other girls.I hope you got even.:)

    I can`t tell the private life so it`s a person in my family, i don`t hate him, i love him but he act without responsibility, sometime he speak and act like a child. Sometime he make me feel shame of my family, of myself. He can do what he want to do , but i will love my mother forever, and i will love people that love me too.

    Yes, Tommy if the pantyhose incident happened now. The girls that bullied me would get in A LOT of trouble. I would report them. I guess I would anyway. Remember the woman who got bullied on the bus because she was fat and unattractive. She got $700,000 from people who felt pity for her.
    jersy, I hope things will work out ok for you. Does your mother understand how you feel? Does she help you with the person who causes you hurt?

    @Jersy,I thought so.Stick to your mother.have you told her how this "Other Person" treats you?

    The problem is my father,always when i want to speak or write so much always i do mistakes.My father has a relationship with another woman and he want to keep secret from my mother and from all people . He just hurt our hearts with his words.I have suffer so much, and now when i want to cry, i can`t because like the tears don`t fall in my face. Just i hate the situation in my life.

    It's hard for me to understand your English but I think you are saying your dad is the problem.I hope he isn't hurting you in any way.Talk to your mother about it.& your granddad,he at least sounds like a good guy.

    Sorry, Tommyh i edit the comment to make more easy to understand the others.

    jersy: You are in a very difficult situation. I feel like telling you to find a totally trustworthy person in your life and talking to them to find guidance. (If such a person exists!)
    Your mother would have a terrible time of it if the "secret" got out.
    Be careful, jersy. Your situation will probably get better in the next year. I sure do hope so. I don't like that your father gives you such a burden when he tells you what he tells you.
    Most of the people on akaQA will guide you as best we can. However, at any time we could say the wrong thing.
    I find your writing easy to read. : )
    Tommyh is a cyber friend of mine. He can be trusted. : )

    Really i say again thank you all so much for your comments and answers, they help so much. I must learn with it, in my situation, the only cure is time. But what make me happy now is that i have people that understand me and help me and all for it i thank akaQa and all of you, of course.

    jersy, I tell you this is a great place. I tell my secrets and my problems to the people here and I have been helped many times - all the time. I trust that they will not tell other people in my life. (((jersy))) <--That’s a cyber hug.

    No persons life is worthless, think about what you like best to do, talk with a counselor, ask them for advice. When I feel abit down, which is not often, I think about the people worse of than myself. You could join a voluntary group ( if you are old enough) and help out, this way you will be helping others, and wont feel worthless. Just some ideas, Good luck.

    I vent on here!;-)


    So do I, millie. Sometimes I surprise myself with the things I say. People I've met here have always been kind and supportive, (a few exceptions)
    Be well. x

    Yes they are a Brilliant bunch..(Includes You of course its)!:-)

    Worthless??? That is a negative implant put there by some outer alien force (not you dear) and which should immediately be erased and replaced by positive affirming thoughts...or make a list of what you are grateful for...or a list of things that  you are NOT ...or go a walk with your buds...or take a swim with friends...or study..write a joyous and revel in Y-O-U!!!...inspire someone with your music as even the birds seek a bit of inspiration now and then...above all take no-one elses' criticism to heart...if another is not willing to fill your shoes on your dying day, then how on earth could they even try to fill your shoes and do your living for you?? Criticism is best left for the field of art as positive observation...Peace baby.


    Also....your Father is not your 'girlfriend' and should really have more maturity and discretion when it comes to talking to you about these serious 'adult' problems..tell him to go talk to his wife...your mother, about his relationship with HER and not to burden you again and that you will expose him and his 'talk' to the other adults in your life. That should make him think twice about what is appropriate conversation with you, his child!! Peace baby.

    What do you think it would take to make you worthy? 


    A large slice of chocolate cake and a tub of ice cream!...That should do it!

    eat dark chocolate

    country bumpkin

    I just finished a cup of hot dark chocolate. It was so delish!

    Look around you for those that need your help,and you will reolize how much you are needed,


    Yes I agree,it`s so easy to get so caught up with your own problems that you suddenly realize that others need help!:-¬

    I compliment someone about their qualities.


    When I feel worthless, i do something worthwhile -- Instant cure for the worthlessness -

    How do you stop feeling worthless when society is programmed to be so harsh.

    We all become an extension of the 4 walls into which we are born

    If we don't find what we need  within those walls

    We look for it in the school yard

    If we are unable to find it in the school yard

    We look for it amongst society

    If society doesn't fulfill what we need

    We have a good chance of taking the longest journey of all in life



    Could this journey inward be meditation?

    I cry, feel sorry for myself, question the value of my existence....stuff like that.  Probably I think about people I believe have double-crossed me/stabbed me in the back....screwed me over in one way or another, and I feel some resentment.

    When I am done being self-destructive, I DO something.  It might be as simple as laundry, weeding, go bowling, or read a book.  Underneath it all, I know I'm not really WORTHLESS, just having self-doubts. 

    (I recently found a letter I'd written to a friend back in 1967, when I was 15. Why I never mailed it, I don't know, nor why I still have it.  The letter was about my dad not giving a hoot - much less two hoots, about me.  I'd just come home from a conference at UC Davis. Dad didn't ask me about my week at all, then criticized my hair and told my mom I looked like a comic book character when he thought I couldn't hear him.  My mom, on the other hand, was always pushing me to be more.....certainly a no-win situation I've carried through life, much to my own misfortunes.   Moral of the story:  Your value is not dictated by others, no matter what THEY think.)


    I Like your conclusion,Bob,

    The hardest part is believing the moral, my friend. :]

    Yes i think i understand,

    Some day, I will get over it; some things become so ingrained in your personality, it's nearly impossible to shake them, no matter what logic tells you. :o

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