    What do you think of Obama holding the Rev. Martin Luther King personal bible for his inaguration? Is he "using" MLK?

    +5  Views: 1518 Answers: 11 Posted: 11 years ago

    I'm going to suggest to my Senator that the bible be removed from the whole swearing in ceremony in the future so fake Christians can not use it to dupe believers. Besides, the bible means nothing to me as I do not agree it's the word of God so his swear or oath while holding the bible is just as empty to me as the bible is. He should be making the oath to the US constitution, not a bible or two.

    yeah,I don't get this swearing on the bible at all.
    I could swear to anything on the bible & it would mean nothing to me at all.It's just a book.

    11 Answers

    "You can sit in a garage all day it doesn't make you a car" nor can you read a bible and think your a christian, no matter what bible he is sworn in under he is what he is, only GOD knows where his heart lies as far as taking oath on a bible he's just following US tradition, I honestly think it would not matter to Obama if it were Mad magazine it's all about the power the office holds !!


    Whoops, meant my comment for bigben.

    I think its appropiate to honor MLK on his special day. His Bible is a symbol to our nation that change can happen by peaceful means.
    It does not matter what Obama believes, its just to honor a great man who profoundly changed our nation for the better.


    The voice of sanity. Thanks,Ann.

    Too bad Obama is not choosing change by peaceful means. He instead is pushing the people into what could potentially become a revolt in this country. He's a hypocrite to use that bible for HIS day of being crowned king and lord dictator again.

    Here is a powerful statement by Dr. Martin King about the Vietnam war and our Government:
    As I have walked among the desperate, rejected and angry young men, I told them that molotov cocktails and rifles would not solve theire problems.
    I have tried to offer them my deepest compassion while maintaining my conviction that social changes come most meaningfully through nonviolent actions.
    But they ask-and rightfully so- "what about Vietnam"?
    They ask if our Nation was not using massive doses of violence to solve its problems to bring about the changes it wanted.Theire question hit home, and I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the oppresd in the ghettos without first speaking clearly to the greatest purveor of violence in the world today - my own government.He spoke the truth and it cost him his life.

    Ann, the list goes on for people who have lost their lives trying to get the truth out to the people and the world of the secret dealings of leaders of this country. There is so many things that if the people only knew...........

    Colleen, I know what you are talking about. There are too many things one has to be afraid to post here. Thank god for independent journalism. It really opened my eyes.

    I think it a show of respect for a great man, it's an honor..........


    It would be a show of respect if Obama had any respect for anyone, but that is doubtful.

    OK let's look at it from what MLK JR. stood and fought for...He may or may not have agreed with all of Obama's politics but I believe that he would be very pleased that a black man has been voted president for 2 terms.  It represents equality.  


    Obama is not black. He's mulatto. To call him black is prejudiced because you ignore his white 1/2. Did you know James Buchanan was a gay man? The USA was already showing equality back when James Buchanan was president. The history books say "rumored" but read his story and his letters to his male "spouse" as the man was termed by Buchanan's fellow politicians.

    Obama holding that bible with his history of taking the USA into war 3 times thus far is hypocritical to MLK's message of peace.

    the political correct term is " bi-racial, or multi-racial, or mixed "

    the political correct term is " bi-racial, or multi-racial, or mixed "

    I don't know how my comment got on here twice. I didn't click it twice, and it won't let me delete it.

    I'm tired of political correctness. It's had a huge hand in the mess we are in today. The term is mulatto. If my mulatto nephews and niece accept the term, then I'm good with it too.

    below comment moved to where it belongs.


    Karma: 25286

    Coleen, do really think the President can pull off saying he's white? or half. Mulatto sure but people consider him black. Why do you hate the President so much . Its like your obsessed.

    I'm obsessed with the US Constitution and the fact Obama has broken many laws within it that keeps this government in check. What are you not obsessed about this crooked president and what he is doing to this country? If you do not wish to be a Patriot, so be it. Go back to where ever it is you feel safe and keep quiet while the Patriots fight to defend your rights from a dictator who would strip you of them if he gets his way.

    Yes, he's a christian and has been for 20 years. That seems to be something that is hard for people to accept. There is absolutely no evidence that he is a muslim. As for the bible its symbolic and thats something that all politicians do. I don't have a problem with him on this issue because you wont be able to find a politician today that isn't making some sort of gesture in celebration of King. It seems to me to be rediculous to turn this into an emotional issue because you don't like the man. I didn't vote for him, but I'm also not going to have an emotional reaction about it either.



    I vote we ban swearing on the bible since to me, that means any non Christian president (Obama) is making an obvious empty swear. These "leaders" should be swearing on the true bible of the government. The US Constitution. Lie after swearing on a bible and you might ticked off God a little. Lie after swearing an oath on the Constitution that you will protect and defend the people of the nation and you WILL tick off the people of the nation. Mankind is not so forgiving.

    You know, now that you mention it, swearing on the constitution is a great idea. I mean, after all an oath is a promise and that would be more direct. After all, I think that in a court of law don't the atheist use an alternate method to take the oath to tell the truth?

    What's the athiest alternative Bigben?

    I'm not sure, but the bible is strictly symbolic and represents nothing more than a promise. What value could it have for an atheits? I suppose you could use Colleens suggestion and use the constituion or simply raise the hand and promise, its amounts to the same thing. There is nothing to indicate that the pormise of an atheist is less than a religious person.

    I think you're right.It's kinda like being read your rights.If you are simply made aware that you are in breach of the law & can be made accountable for telling lies should be enough.As an atheist it would be enough for me.

    He uses anything to try and fool the populace that he is a "good guy". The man is no more Christian than I am and just like he uses the graves of children for one agendas, he now uses the grave of MLK for the same agenda. The man is sick the way he attempts to play off the emotions of the socialist class. 


    I am surprised he hasn't demanded the use of a Koran, rather than a Bible...

    He's still trying to fool the sheeple on that issue.

    Yes that is right, he is Christian, isn't he...


    He is one of the examples that non-Christians use to make fun of true Christians. There is at least one bad example of every behavior in every group of anything or anyone.

    I do not make fun of true Christians. I make fun of the fake ones, especially the ones who create their own form of Christianity and then use it to beat up non believers with. Obama is not that type of Christian though because I do not believe he is Christian at all. I think he is just pretending so he can keep the religious support. It is true that Christianity holds the majority in the USA. Can't lose the voters or their support!

    He probably tried to get Osama bin Laden's Koran, but he was still using it.


    Good one Clonge! I think it got buried at sea with him...

    I don't see the purpose, of the act, of swearing on a bible. I believe it to be an out-dated ritual because not everyone is a Christian.

     Obama doesn't do anything without a self-serving, ulterior motive.  Using MLK's Bible was not to honor MLK and his memory, but to ingratiate himself with those who DO honor MLK's memory. 


    That's how I saw it, exactly Bob! Many think that I am just picking on Obama, however, I do not need to, it seems obvious, time will reveal his true motives. Let's hope that I am wrong, and he will make a difference for the country in this next term!

    Let's hope we aren't serfs when THAT happens.

    No, he's not " using him " . He's honoring the memory of King. And it was an educational moment for his daughters.


    Pffffft. What did they learn? That daddy made no mistakes this time in his inauguration ceremony? The man who has led the US into 3 wars, using the bible of a man of peace. He should be slapped for the hypocrisy!

    there is power in God's word and since I personally know this, I think it's a blessing that our newly re-elected president can use it.  I read the Bible and apply the wisdom it contains.  I appreciated seeing the opportunity of it's inclusion on / and in the activities of this extremely important Event and since I do pray for him daily and others in authority; it is very mature and humbling that our country can acknowledge what has been a part of our success,  Also, the Creator God said IF YOU acknowledge me;... and I will acknowledge you...jOHN 14:1 following, and II CHRONICLES 7:14.  I AM A  woman, mother, grandmother, friend, sister, called of God, helper, and a list of other important positions to God, so i Hope and pray my opinion can be pondered and others give God the glory HE IS DUE and pray for President Obama and vp.


    Please just answer the questions here without all the dramatic bible thumping. Do not use this forum to preach. You make as much of a farce of your religion as that phoney Obama does when you come in acting all superior because you're drunk on koolaid. Save your preaching for Sunday school where you can frighten little children with it.

    C..drunk on koolaid? Jim Jones is alive and well???? Ohhhhh I get it the thumpers are like a cult!!!!!!!!! I'll take fruit punch flavor but hold the cyanide please!

    I agree with you Colleen, live it, but do not preach it. I do not post my religion on my shirt sleeve. Because I do not quote or thump a Bible, does not mean that I lack a belief!

    Sorta like that. Means, don't follow so blindly that you swallow everything you're told.

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