    what is the cheapest way to buy a house?

    0  Views: 863 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

    3 Answers

    Pay to get access to foreclosure lists. Find a real estate agent that sells the list. 

    Watch the newspapers for the auction of foreclosed properties. 


    Sucks that you have to pay a fee to get access to foreclosed properties. I checked into it because I was thinking of buying a foreclosed property in PA and it was going to cost $100 for 6 month access to the listings or $200 for one year. $500 was a lifetime membership but lifetime was 5 years if I remember right.

    Colleen, I get real estate emails from a local company, daily, and many are for foreclosed homes. This doesn't cost me anything. Check with local real estate companies, for the state which you would like. I have researched other states, and have found sites pop up with this info. and never paid anyone... Good luck, Bus

    Have you attempted to get the information on a particular foreclosed property? I think you may find you would run into the same road blocks that I have for getting the information for free. It might give you info but you have to pay to get contact info.

    yes, I have clicked on to these, and it has furnished me with all the details at no cost, no popup to stop me...

    a   V A  loan is the cheapest way I've heard yet. My stepson got a house that way in the 90s. I don't know if they still have those offers. ' Course you have to be a veteran, but maybe a veteran could pull strings for you or set it up for you......and then you could pay him.


    mycatsmom. Your suggestion, reguarding , maybe a veteran could pull stings for you or set it up for you,,,, be a risk to the veteran, if the person stopped paying him/her, back the money. ??? just woundering.

    @Dolly, yes it would be a financial risk to the veteran. You know what they say "shared property means the end of family and friendships"

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