    What do you love in your life?

    +2  Views: 950 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    My roof, my food on the table, a good book, peace, tranquility, sanity..........

    My partner, my dogs, my family and friends..
    I love that I get to see how amazing the universe is and I love how thing have changed..

    my house, my car, my cats, my few true friends, my clothes.God ( I should have put Him first ) Jesus. My TV, my computer.  my health

    My wife, children, grand children and great grand children, how 'bout you?



    Jackson, I would love them if I had any . You are blessed.

    God, my family and my animals. To have the priviledge to live in "Gods country" {NH} and a place where nature is still for the most part in its purest form.

    God my family books

    My cats, oh and my wife of cause.


    Not in that order though, right? lol

    Sometimes when I call one of the cats sweetheart and baby, my wife answers and adds a comment like ,I thought you were calling me, oh of cause not. lol

    I love life and everything in and about life. I have never known anyone or anything that I could not or did not find something that is loving. Were it not for all the love I have found along the pathways of my journey, I could not have stayed here as long as I have. But My days seem to go by at an accelerated clip and it does not seem to be enough time in every day to get done what I may have intended when I first awoke in the morning. 

    My wife beyond anything else. I love reading with a passion that defies the understanding of most people. I love the game of chess and lose most of the time. I love an intellectual challenge which is why I enjoy reading philsophy , simply because its always just beyond my reach. I love politics and follow it avidly. I love studing religion, but don't believe any of it for a minute. However, I support the people that do and I really enjoy debating this topic, but its difficult to find people that don't get upset during the discussion. I love my family and friends because they tolerate me with all my faults and they are legion.

    My country !!

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