    What do you think, in your life are you pessimistic, optimistic or realistic?

    +6  Views: 1024 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

    la vie est dure mais il faut s'y confronter pour réussir avoir un travail il y en a !
    avec rien j'ai réussi une maison des enfants performants
    beaucoup d'amis
    de l'épreuve au dévouement à l"abnégation

    I don`t understand this language.

    Here is the translation Jersy >
    life is hard but you have to confront them to succeed get a job there!
    I got nothing with a house of children performing
    many friends
    proof of dedication to the "denial

    Thanks Fishlet for translation.


    15 Answers

    Certainly all three apply to me, depending of the circumstances in my life..



    All 3 of them. When i am feeling pessimistic I think to myself come on now you have to be a bit more realistic, so then I choose to be optimistic.

    i was born to pessimistic parents.  I was somewhere between pessimistic and realistic most of my life.  I now am optimistic and often say "In the end it will all work out"...BTW my optimistic view and that saying of mine drives pessimists crazy.


    Your right there!
    "How can you say that?"
    "If you knew what I was going through...."

    I'm a realist. I get hopeful and make my start wishes but in the end, I believe in fate.......

    Im a little all three.Lliving in a small west texas town and involved in high school sports I know when a beating in a game is coming. Just being realistic. I was called pessimestic because i knew we would lose by 45 points in a football game. In the end, i was right. I am optimistic because , i am not liberal in life.

    My wife says I'm pessimistic but I never count on things working out just the way they were planned.There are too many variables in life. So I s'pose I'm a realist. That old saying,"All the best laid plans of mice & men.........." I apply that to everything.

    All my friends say I am pessimistic, I say I am just realistic.

    i was an optimist ..and realist...but now I`m not so sure now..I`m struggling to be the best Mother on this planet...but I`m too unwell and exhausted to cope alone with all their..and my sister`s kids!


    I read your question mils,you need a serious break Darlin, time for the other "adults" in your life to realise how sick you've been/are, talk to your doctor, tell him/her how you feel.

    Thanks the lovely ROMOS!..sorry am just being self indulgent today..usually I`m O.K...Just a bit of a wobble;-)...Have spoken to my Consultant today and he just says that I have a duty to my kids n n and n`s and family...I am lucky I know to have people on hand to help!...just all such a worry @ the moment..sorry sorry sorry..I need to get real and stop the self pity..I JUST still get so tired..I had heaps of energy before..and push myself to be the same now! XXXM

    Don't push yourself darlin,you'll have plenty of time for that when you're well.

    I am more realistc now , I think you get that way as you get older.

    Im,not sure realy,but i have always belived that behind every cloud lies a bigger,and blacker cloud, 


    We're doomed Captain Mainwaring,DOOMED!

    O. L. L,


    I am a optimistic-pessimist, I am positive that things will go wrong.

    I am probably a realist, which has always allowed me to assess the facts and circumstances, and to view things in either a pessimistic or optimistic manner. Just because we might not be aware of all the variables every situation inherently drags along with it, it doesn't preclude the fact that most everything can go from good to bad, or bad to good, for that matter. I look at it, as just being pragmatic, which is simply playing with the cards dealt us, as effectively as possible.

    I am an optimist, with pessimistic overtones (which is perhaps a bit of realist).  On the whole, though, I always believe, maybe not with all the optimism I'd like to have, that good stuff is ahead of me. When I am realistic, I realize that GOOD STUFF is all around me!!!!

    I'm a "skeptimistic " own term for being skeptical and optimistic all in one..!


    Perfect! That describes me better. Hoping for the best, but............

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