23 Answers
NO..."sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me"
12 years ago. Rating: 18 | |
Bones Heal
Harsh words cut the deepest and swirl around inside our minds forever.
Wounds cut by words sometimes are unable to be healed.
No.It's all true.Why should I care.
12 years ago. Rating: 17 | |
All this time I've been thinking you were a bloke with insecurities.But you're not.You're a 14 year old girl (With insecurities).Cheer up Kiddo! Look on the lighter side of life for a while.This will change the way I answer your questions in future.I apologise if I seemed harsh in the past. :)
Depends on the person. A criticism from my dad would floor me. A criticism from my daughter is usually to help me. Something like “Mom, you’ve got to find a new person to cut your hair.” (She means well and I take off to find one)
12 years ago. Rating: 17 | |
The good stuff is great! The bad stuff, almost always comes FROM someone who barely knows me, TO someone who doesn't know me at all. It's hard to be disturbed by the gossip of a stranger, though someone will ALWAYS believe it, without question. That's not something that I can control, so no, I don't worry about it.
12 years ago. Rating: 16 | |
Good question...It used to devastate me when lies and gossip were told about me. I lived through a smear campaign started by my husband- It hurt a lot when my "friends" believed him...but then I realized that my true friends never doubted me. Since then I'm a bit choosier about my friends and I no longer care much at all.
12 years ago. Rating: 15 | |

Meditating during a rain, the sound of drain pipes seemed like voices….a song….a message. Then I understood the mind interprets everything as if it should make a some sense….like a voice of reality and meaning in everything rather than simply accepting such sounds as what they actually are…rain in a drain pipe. The rain in the drain pipe is what it is, not what the brain would make it seem to be. I do not worry about what anyone may think…the rain in the drain pipe is just what it is.
I don’t worry about what others may say about me because I always hear them and know how to respond to them. If you were not aware of what others said about you, behind your back, you would not know how insecure and threatened, by your freedom of spirit, you are to them. That is why they may have un-kind or misleading things to say about you to others. Angelic people seem spooky to immature beings because they accepted the angel/devil dogma and are confused by that primitive belief system.
12 years ago. Rating: 15 | |
I may wonder, but I sure don't worry about what others say about me. They will think what they want, and it's not my problem. :D
12 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
No, can't and quite honestly, 'The bad thoughts', always seem to find there way back to me. When that happens I have a little think and evaluate if there is any merit in the criticism and work my way forward from there.
In the case of my ex-husband and his family, "I gave it my all, now please let it go!" .... Seriously!
My point is, there will always be someone who throws negative energy in your direction or thinks badly of things you may or may not have done. It is for you to decide what you are going to do with the information. Being brutally honest with yourself actually is the easiest way of handling things. The bonus is, you learn a lot about yourself in the process.
Best wishes, Fishie
12 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
I used to when I worked. People always talked about me behind my back, and it was very vindictive. When you're smarter than management, especially in the agency I worked for, one is perceived as a threat. I never bragged about it; the results spoke for themselves. It doesn't bother me much now.
12 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
As human beings, in the beginning we are all programmed to be concerned about what others think and say about us.
If someone can be bothered to even have an opinion or judgement of me I feel proud. I win, if they go home and talk about me, I win, I'm in their home as well as in their heads.
I have a favorite saying "tell me what you think of me and I will tell you who you are".
12 years ago. Rating: 11 | |