    Do you like books ?

    +3  Views: 1295 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    Anything by Wilbur Smith.

    I also have many non-fiction books.

    I've constantly have one in my hands when I'm not here.....

    I have many, many books and I love to read.

    When I worked I was a book binder, I don't read I am terribly slack.
    I am more about the asthetics .. And making a book presentable so people will buy them.
    I particularly loved restoring old books. I have a lot of beautiful old leather bound books my earliest is a French poem book printed on rice paper in 1750..
    Books have always giving the world knowledge.
    I use to own a business called bound to be read. If you write it and bind it someone will read it :)..
    I specialised in all hand binding. I had a large contract with a company called cahoots and mementoes. And I still get a chuckle because the advertisement has 4 of my books displayed :)

    That is a process that I would love to watch someone doing.

    No. I want to watch YOU do it! lol
    Deleted User

    Oh really hahaha I have a folder of a full repair of an old book your a moderator email me and I will send the folder ...

    Now that I am retired, surprisingly, not as much as when I was teaching.  I must get back at it! 


    Were you a teacher ?

    Yes, Python, for almost 35 yrs. I retired almost 4 1/2 yrs. ago at age 58. All those years in one school, very rare today to be in any job that long. I figured, get out before you are an old crotchety fart, like we all remember in high school. Oh that's right, I am an old crotchety fart!!

    Well, not really crotchety! LOL!!

    Sure  I like books & I actually read quite a few. You learn a lot about the world,even from paperbacks.


    Is that a fishing mag? Never heard of it.

    Don't get it down here Don.But then bass fishing is not all that popular either.Salt water fishing is more popular here.

    DD...Guess the best fishing magazine, depends on where you live. I always thought that Field & Stream was "the" mag, not only for fishing but hunting as well. :)

    Yes i like reading ,it improves yurr spelling,

    Deleted User

    Yurr so right hahaha

    Reeding is verry benifishal!

    Sadly, I have the attention span of a gnat. 


    Oh yes.


    That`s a "Yes" from me too!:-)

    I love books.  I have a Kindle and in two years have downloaded more than 100 books.

    I'm our church librarian and read all the books I get for the library.  I love Christian fiction,

    mystery, biographies, devotional books, and most anything I can get my hands on.


    Have you read any of the Brother Cadfael Cronicals by Ellis Peters? I enjoy her books alot, in fact I'm reading one right now.

    Yes I do I download books and listen to them all the time I have bad eye sight so audio books ROCK!!! p.s I download them from the library for the blind&handicap here is the digital book player""


    Yeah whovin..I listened to loads from Itunes when I was in hospital...Therapeutic!:-)

    I used to love reading, any thing based on facts, then I gave up, and took up letter writing. That was about 20 yrs ago, I still perfer my pen friends.


    I have a pen,but ive run out of ink,

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