    Do you think that babies are the most innocent and angelic in the world ?

    +2  Views: 751 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    Is a wise word something like that `` Baby is unwritten letter`` .

    6 Answers

    If you don't believe babies are innocent there is something the matter with your head!


    No, i didn`t mean that, i ask this question to know if the others can say the opposite of question.To know if exist the persons who have no fear.

    Our personal experience as children answers the question. If you do not remember your experience  as an infant, it is a result of your beliefs, denials, choice and/or accident. We are all experiencing life   as growing children throughout our personal lives and it is for this experience that we are born. Knowing ourselves as spiritual beings with vast experiential resources may or may not be something you can choose to know or not. Free will choice and the effects are ours to choose. In my view, we are all children of creation, created with vast potential, experience and personal free will choice. Makes a very interesting world.


    Well said, Robert.

    Babies are innocent because there is nothing else they can be. People confuse innocence in the case of babies with a form of  morality which is later stained by life. Innocence in babies is innocence through ignorence. They are like a clean slate and innocence is a characteristic  that starts to fade slowly at first and more rapidly as time progresses. Angels, un no, but we love them because they are cute and ours and that makes it okay.

    Innocent? Yes. Angelic? Ask me at 3 in the morning.......

    NO, some babies can be alot of troble but most of the time yes

    Nein! ""And NO! ""

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