    What do you call ``difficult`` in your life?

    +2  Views: 724 Answers: 9 Posted: 11 years ago

    9 Answers

    When our daughter was first diagnosed with MS we thought it was difficult.Little did we know.  Within 5 years she was unable to walk or use her hands,unable to speak,had difficulty eating because she couldn't swallow solid foods & she became totally incontinent.Nearly 20 years on she is still the same & totally dependant on her mother & me for everything.We no longer think of it as a difficulty tho.It's just life.At least we still have her.


    It is fantastic what we will do for our children. We seem to get the strength when needed.

    Bereavement ...losing a loved one..has to be the hardest time in life I believe...When I lost my Dad....Nothing else in life seemed to match that ..other hard times seemed like nothing to that!...(Colleen`s just about to call me a Daddy`s girl:-)....O.K. Miss C....I admit it!;-)


    millie, I feel ya.

    Awhh thanks MCM...Aren`t I the cheery one!;-¬ But that was the very worst day of my far...We were just all so lucky to have such an utterly wonderful Dad in our lives for so long though!:-)

    Dealing with an emotionally disturbed daughter.


    Being  diagnosed with a incurable disease that robs you're independence and the long hard struggle to get some of it back and learning how to live and find peace with M.S and having you're Dad die this is hard because he just died last summer 8-12-12 


    I know the pain Whovin.Not personally but my daughter has MS.Keep fighting mate.

    sorry, Whovin.

    not having any family . And alot of my close friends moved away, b/c no one wants to live in the Detroit area. I've had to start over several  times. I'm looking for new friends around here now. Tomorrow, on Sat, I'm going to the meeting of the Red Hat Society for the first time.


    The Red Hat Society looks like a lot of fun. Sometimes we run into them while doing craft fairs... they are a lively bunch!

    "When I am old, I shall wear purple. With a red hat which doesn't go"........great poem!

    Is that something like the mad hatters tea party? LOL

    jh, I'm glad you know that poem , and can quote it....

    I posted part of it for you......

    Keeping my mouth shut when the perfect opportunity is there for a really smart remark.....


    Looks like you’re leaped past 800k Love. Happy Day to you.<3>3<3

    Thank you @robby!

    Having the patience to let others suffer through ignorance and inexperience without disturbing their progress. Wisdom is acquired through pain and suffering because so many believe it to be so.

    Just Life itself can be difficult at times.

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