    who was behind the 911 attacks

    Where is the proof that someone masterminded the attacks?

    +1  Views: 769 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    Please use the comment this answer link to reply. Do not use the add new answer box. Also, do not use insults to promote your beliefs. I see your last comment was removed by one of the moderators. I did not see it but I'm going to assume it was insulting otherwise it would not have been removed.

    3 Answers

    I will never know in my lifetime nor do I care to at this point. It was horrible and that's what needs to be remembered...............

    There will never be proof of who did it or whom was the master mind to many terrorists groups out there like to take the credit for such acts of violence..
    We can assume the media and the government knows but do they really?
    The Warrior

    The only way to find the REAL truth of the matter is to research and read. Leave no stone unturned, just like the courts do. And seeing the courts are a Govt. entity, we cannot rely on what they say as the whole truth. Would you squeal on your family members if you knew they were guilty of a crime...Not many people would. My link is 8 years of much scrutinized research from others who have researched the facts and who are like-minded as myself. 'Ask a Q' Get a credible answer' is my motto.
    If the gloves fits you can't acquit

    The Warrior

    "There will never be proof of who did it or whom was the master mind"
    Icare to differ on that because the events are clad with the govts fingerprints. They concocted the attacks in order to deploy troops to invade the Mid East.How much more proof do people need?

    Radical muslims believing the will get virgins in their final resting place. Its all BULL BUTTER. Make no mistake. They want you dead. Because you don't believe in their belief.

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