20 Answers
Getting old.Not being able to do things that I was so good at 20 years ago.
12 years ago. Rating: 21 | |
Me tooooo
I used to do back bends & somersault down hills. I used to run a mile at the orange track that was right by my house.
Hmmmm .... I wonder. Shall I try?
I could dance kind of endlessly.
A friend on here told me to enjoy every sunrise. We all should do that. Every single day. (thanks to jersy)
Tommy: Where did those twenty years go? Time is going by too dang fast.
I really, really hate green beans unless you use them a certain way. If they are naked, I hate them....
12 years ago. Rating: 17 | |
My Grandmother used to cook them fresh from her garden, with bacon and onion...uuummmmmmm:)
Never finding the right partner to walk though life with,and not to toot my own horn,but I'm a pretty nice person. :(
12 years ago. Rating: 17 | |
Of course I hate mean and dangerous people. Bullies would come very high on my list of those I dislike.
There are more ... but I need to shower and get ready to go out and buy some new towels. See ya later, alligator.
12 years ago. Rating: 16 | |
opportunity for you .I can`t understand math, i try try and try again and i just get more nervose, then i give up but anyway what i do i understand something.I try to enjoy the life even why i am so pessimitic.Don`t give up never ...
jersy, Oh, I hated math too -- stupid math. Arghhh.
You’re beyond your years in the way you think but math will never come easy for you. Keep at it. Squeak by, you know. Do you have a special program at your school for people who make faces at their math books? “I try try and try again and I just get more nervous” That was me! I kinda smiled when I read that.
You’re right about enjoying all the moments of your life. So important.
What subject do you like?

Education is not developed in your country? How do you learn? Are you home schooled? Your English is excellent!
The computer is so great. You can learn just about anything. It’s a miracle. Huh? There’s a lot of bad stuff too.
From the way you write and think at your age I believe the chances of you getting a scholarship are very good. Keep at it Put your mind to it. (I know you will)
How to respond to a question: When you see a question that’s interesting go to the avatar and then click on the blue link that says "comment this answer” (Sometimes you have to scroll way up) I don’t think you’ll need to use “Report abuse” Sometimes bad stuff gets on here but Colleen or another moderator will take it off as quick as they find it.
always being late, rushing.
my own self defeating habitual tendancies.
that i rebelled as a teenager and wasnt a conformist
12 years ago. Rating: 16 | |
Missing out on college, if I knew then what I don't know now my how life would be diffarent..!
12 years ago. Rating: 15 | |
Greed. Especially a greedy internet/cable/phone supplier who always seems to need a raise during a recession (a recession that Obama claims is not a recession while he spends, spends, spends and then raises taxes to cover his spending. Greed from him too). Yup, I hate greed the most.
12 years ago. Rating: 13 | |