    Do you have flu going around your area?

    I went to the internist’s office for a test and about half the people in there had those masks on. SCARY. There was a long line in the hall made up of little kids who hadn’t had their flu shot. I asked my doctor when do we know to come in for Tamiflu She said come in for Tamiflu when you have a fever.

    We live in California. For awhile it was fairly clear of flu, but it’s catching up. Wash those hands!

    +4  Views: 924 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    Ya it's pretty high here in Boston,lot's of my friends are sick I know some areas of the country are in much worse shape !!


    Yikes ... What are the symptoms? Could you find that, daren?

    I saw the report on Tamiflu on Sky news this morning.20 Dead already! scary stuff,they say it's coming our way.We'll be getting our shots.


    Get them tomorrow. It takes two weeks for them to go to work for you.

    Going to the Dr.Today.Thanks Itsmee.

    I live in Michigan, USA so yes it's here!  I see California is hoarding their flu shots as in expecting epidemic! If you ever had flu you should really know to get that vaccine ASAP!  Stay well everyone!


    It doesn’t always work. About ten years ago I had flu two years in a row. I ALWAYS get the flu shot in October. It wasn’t as bad as this new strain.

    General Tips: wash hands, don’t touch face, doctor alcohol key boards, (I do it with Q-Tips, wash door knobs, wash surfaces in kitchen and bathroom ... add more. Let’s all stay well.

    The flu shot will lessen the effects of the disease if not prevent. Anything to help is my idea! Also be aware Very young or very old people are more affected!

    Hmmmmmm? I certainly don’t belong in the “very young” group. clu, everything I read indicates that this flu is worse than the ones we have suffered in the past. I’ve had it two -- maybe three times. Always had a shot and I hate to think what it would have been like without that shot.

    I have three young grandchildren. I’m going to try and not have them for their weekly visist. Young children have very virulent bugs.

    Yes Itismee here in Michigan a CDC map I have allready taken the flu shot I shall stay in till it settles down""


    California is probably not green anymore.

    Hey everybody use those Clorox wipes to keep germs at bay and wash hands to

    Lots of people sick in the Mid-atlantic area- from colds to flu to strep throat and bronchitis.  I don't feel too great but I've been around a lot of sick people.  They have run out of the flu shots here so kids are getting the flu left and right!


    Oh, that is too bad for the kids. Are you stocked up for supplies in case the flu comes your way? It’s more than double hard for you and me because I feel so bad I’d just rather die than go out with my hair matted and looking just BAD BAD BAD. (I’m still around)
    I read someplace that some people can get Tamiflu when they are free of symptoms. I might like that.


    Get the stuff I told you to get. I did tell you to get the homeopathic stuff right? Bonus pack for $12.99.

    I'm in New York. Yes!


    One difference in California where I live. Pharmacists have been giving the flu shots from Day One. All you have to do is walk in and roll up your sleeve. Going to the doctor usually involves an appointment and MONEY. This may be the reason why California is doing a little better. Don’t know.

    Nope !!


    Good luck.

    High in CT. Hospitals are hitting their quota and will stop taking flu patients. 

    Yes, it is fairly rampant around here. In fact I've got the flu right now. Been suffering for over a week now but I do think I'm starting to feel recovery right around the corner. Hope all is well with you.


    I hope you continue to feel better.
    When my kids were little my husband and I got a terrible flu. The kids got sick. It was a memorable time in my life.

    no good . hope u get better

    um i guess its hi i dont know . 

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