1 Answer
Use a DVR if you have one.
Using the remote control that comes with the DVR box, search through the guide of shows and choose which one you want to record and select it.
You'll have several recording options: from single time recording to continual weekly recordings. The great thing is that there's a swap button that allows you to volley back and forth between channels and shows while you're recording or not.
The Picture in a Picture (PIP) option will let you view in a shrunken screen another show while you watch your current programming - so you don't miss a beat and can switch back and forth at leisure.
The DVR can store many hours of taped shows but it will start erasing any unwatched shows in the cache to free up memory space once capacity is reached.
To keep certain shows for a longer period of time, you can choose to manually delete them.
One main advantage of the DVR is it allows you to rewind shows that you're watching and fast forward past commercials as well. It's genius!
Read more: How to Record Shows on DVR | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_2162996_record-shows-dvr.html#ixzz2HyGJelfM
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