    Who Smokes and Why?

    Do you want to quit or not?

    +2  Views: 1315 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers


    I like it.

    I'm trying.

    I smoke because I was stupid enough to become addicted to the crap in my youth because I thought it was cool, had cancer twice, still smoke, life's too short to give up things you need.

    I quit smoking for several years, I didn't feel better, I gained weight that i was unable to control, i started smoking again and the weight rolled off-- i do not condone smoking, it is a filthy habit, however, if you are a smoker, have courtesy for others and do it where it doesn't offend.  although i can think of many other 'more harmful' toxins that we breathe in that are far more dangerious and nobody complains about it.

    If you are a smoker, you stand the chance of dying from cancer, diabetes, stroke etc..

    If you are a non smoker you stand a chance of dying of cancer, diabetes, stroke, etc.

    So for me, i would rather be not overweight, be able to go places without my knees keeping me down and  my weight slowing me down..  So smoking  is right for me!  I'll die of something, i might as well be happy when i do.


    Cigars don't count, do they ?



    Only when I vacation, golf or gamble and like Bill Clinton...I don't inhale ;-)

    Outside...okay but it still stinks!
    Inside any building...NO!

    I never smoke indoors except around the poker table but that's entirely different.

    Inside any building...NO...even IF it has a poker table...or any other kind of table.

    You've never been near a gaming table,have you? You couldn't smell a surfeit of skunks if you were 3 feet away from them. When it comes to ventilation systems, casinos spare no expense.

    You smoke. That's why you believe no one can smell it. The non-smokers can. And yes, I have been near a gaming table.

    I started to be cool in high school. Both of my folks smoked. Now I smoke to keep my hands busy.

    Because when I was a kid, the laws about tobacco use were not strict. Stores were allowed to sell cigarettes to minors if they said they were buying them for their parent. The movies glamorized smoking and made it look cool. So we smoked as kids to look cool. I no longer think it looks cool. I out grew that idea when I got closer to 20. Now I smoke because I actually like to smoke. It's my one vise. I do not drink and I have never used an illegal drug of any kind. I still only smoke one pack every two to three days and I've been smoking for 37 years. I'll probably never quit. 

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