    Wrong item delivered in online shopping

    I ordered a bidet online. I was mailed that this item was out of stock ......... then later in the day informed that it had been delivered. But what had been delivered was a bidet holder. After speaking to the customer service person, I was told that what was delivered was the item ordered and that they would only take it back if I paid the shipping and 25% of the article's cost - $55. (The order invoice says that it was a bidet holder that was ordered - this never appeared in the "one bidet left offer"). It would be impossible to punch in the wrong key ......... I hit the "Buy Now" button under a photo of the bidet. What can I do to get my money back. I buy approx 6 items a month on line and have never had a problem before.

    0  Views: 373 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    Call the company back and ask for a supervisor. If you paid by credit card, call the cc company and tell them you are being forced to keep an item you did not order and are being told you have to pay to return an incorrect item and you want them to cancel the payment. 


    Unfortunately Colleen, I paid by Debit Card.

    Your bank may be able to help. It's still fraud if they sent the wrong item and refuse to take it back.

    Thanks Colleen. Will try that plus telling them that I'll post on Google re their stroke. Will keep you informed.


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