3 Answers
Bright Eyes – Let's Not Shit Ourselves (To Love and to Be Loved)
Read more at http://www.songmeanings.net/songs/view/117164/#3tTdRYxE4hDPDAvW.99
12 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Amorist means a person who is in love or who writes about love.
intimate 1 |?int?mit|adjective1 closely acquainted; familiar, close: intimate friends | theyare on intimate terms.• (of a place or setting) having or creating an informalfriendly atmosphere: an intimate little Italian restaurant.• [ predic. ] used euphemistically to indicate that acouple is having a sexual relationship: he was sickened bythe thought of others having been intimate with her.• involving very close connection: their intimate involvement with their community.2 private and personal: going into intimate details of his sexual encounters | intimate correspondence.3 (of knowledge) detailed; thorough: an intimate knowledge of the software.
infatuate |in?faCHo?o??t|verb (be infatuated with)be inspired with an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for:They are infatuated with each other.
Agape ~ selfless love
affectation |?afek?t?SH?n|nounbehavior, speech, or writing that is artificial anddesigned to impress: the affectation of a man who measuresevery word for effect | she called the room her boudoir, which hethought an affectation.• a studied display of real or pretended feeling: anaffectation of calm.ORIGIN mid 16th cent.: from Latin affectatio(n-), fromthe verb affectare (see affect2) .
12 years ago. Rating: 2 | |