    Ok so the way your thinking,tell me, do I have de right to pass 3 or 4 car at once

    0  Views: 378 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

    I feel I need to point out that it's not always about having "The right" of way.Common sense & consideration for the safety of other drivers & the occupants of your own vehicle play a very important role in safe & responsible driving.If the other driver is not going to give way play it safe.let him go past & fall in behind.Drive defensively.

    Please comment back into the same question you posted. Do not open another question to answer comments left in your first question. Thanks.

    4 Answers

    Technically...NO! Laws vary from state to state & country to country but the general rule is that you can pass only one car at a time on a single lane carriageway. That doesn't mean you can't pass more than one car on a multi lane.Say here's a thought.Whay don't you call into your local Transport dept. & ask for a booklet on the rules.They give them away in the hope that someone may eventually become a better driver.

    You can pass as many cars as you like. I was at a used car lot, and passed 50 before I saw the one I was interested in.

    Are you on a secondary road or the highway? That makes a difference. If you have a driver's license  you should know the rules of the road. Pick up the book that student drivers use to learn the rules of the road. Any AAA office has them.  Pass only when it is safe to do so and you know you have enough stretch of road to get past the vehicles ahead of you that you feel are going to slow. If you have to speed to get past them, then you have no business passing them as they are already doing the speed limit. 

    ....are you going FAST enough to pass 3 or 4 cars at once...???? :)

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