    If you could be elsewhere, where would you be for the next month?

    vacations, pleasure trips, 

    +6  Views: 1975 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: vacations

    18 Answers

    One stop, the UK to spend time with Millie who is still not doing very well at all. Then some time with my mom since she's advancing in years and I would like to spend time with her while I can. 


    nice thoughts,

    I think Millie would love that. I am sorry she is not doing well. She is such a great person and I love her posts. God bless her and may she get better
    Why cant your mom stay with you for a while? She would probably love that.

    My mom loves her home and my brother is there with her. She hates my state so she would never come here to stay. She hates travel too so would never come for a visit.

    I hope you get the vacation that you dream about.

    I've heard from Millie. She was in the hospital again. She got the Norovirus and had to be hospitalized. She has just come home again so you should be seeing her here again soon. If you do not know about the Norovirus, read this >


    I spoke with Millie right before I went to sleep last night. Good hearing from her, : )
    Millie, I hope you’re feeling better soon. We need your words here.

    I never heard of Norovirus before. I hope Millie will be back soon. What is strange, a couple who live two doors down from me, just came back from Colorado and were very sick with vomiting and loose stools for 3 days. It sounds like Norovirus. I think I stay away from theire company for a while.

    Many of the passengers on a cruise liner recently got norovirus and P&O the operators were unable to cope.
    One good effect is that that, and the Costa Concordia disaster appear to have cured my dear wife of wanting to go on a cruise



    I’ll bet the artists who were disrupted by the sunami would be good masters. Art can come from pain, I think. That was the worst thing.

    Thank you, Fishlet. I have a 45-minute documentary of the sunami waiting for me on TV. The day of the actual terrible event, I was invited to a party where ALL the people there were Japanese. (relatives, but i’m not Japanese.) It was a most memorable day. :*(.
    Keep working on that pottery. You will be rich - if you’re not already.

    Fishlet, there must be Japanese people in Canada who can teach you theire art. I love Japanese art. Made in Japan" used to sold in most stores, then was replaced with" made in Taiwan and now its mostly" made in China." From best to worst.

    Now you have to save up for an extented trip to Japan.I think that would be nice to visit that country.

    Do you have a Raku kiln? (may have spelled that incorrectly)

    shame, I really like it,I do understand the smoke problem though

    Probably Hawai. I have never been there. But I know, I would enjoy it.

    I would be getting some golf tips from this guy, somewhere in southern United States....Florida, Texas, South Carolina....wherever Graeme wants to meet me.    :)


    country bumpkin

    Are you sure it's just golf lessons you're wanting from him? LOL

    Well, he would have to wrap his arms around me, so I can get that "proper swing". LOL!!!!
    country bumpkin

    (*~*) (*~*) (*~*)
    tee hee hee

    The lure of the Celts eh?

    Strictly because of his golf other reason! Hahahaha

    Bembridge,in the ile-of-wight,by the harbour,


    I love love love the sound of that. Anything by a harbour is my love.

    That's a lovely place, peaceful, and I don't think it's changed too much over the years.

    Oh I love the Isle o wight!..Especially Cowes week..Ie sailing festival!..And Osbourne House..where Queen Victoria used to hang out!LOL...I mean reside!..What`s not to love re the place..well except the prison..(High security)!:-(

    Do you know Sea View,and St,Helens,Millie,

    Remember the Beatle's song 'When I'm 64' and the line 'every summer we will rent a cottage on the Isle of Wight'? I had an American G/F who loved that song, so I took her there and we made love on the beach.

    What kiss and that sort of things,??

    You got it Hector!

    I’d go to San Francisco on a shopping trip. I’d stay in a hotel that’s not in our budget. I’d try a different restaurant every night. I’d go to all the places we love and would find new places. I love the Zoo there.  This trip is not going to happen but it might work for a weekend in the spring. I’m saving my dollara for it.


    I'd go anywhere if I didn't have to budget, oh my, the fat one one is talking about camping again! ugh

    camping ... oh oh oh nooooooooooo!

    It's O.K, I've flatly refused, no hair dryer, no go!

    jUST at home..steering clear of hospitals!:-)...My wants are meager/re!;-)lol!X


    Home is good. I love my bug free home. Currently, I’m avoiding restaurants. That will probably be short lived.

    Its..Cool thinking...I just avoid crowds and people!..(I wish)!LOL!:-0

    They thought I had T.B a few years ago, can't believe how happy I was to see people after weeks of isolation when it prove to be atypical

    I don't want much, just to spend a while on the Texas coast line gathering sea shells......


    I used to walk for hours picking up Sand Dollars. My grand daughter went to a different beach and all the Sand Dollars were Brown. Ugh. I like the White ones -- the itty bitty baby dollars. (You know?)

    I've hung mine with ribbons and put them on my Christmas tree....

    as she sells she sits

    On a sunny beach somewhere warm, with a book and a few drinks not too many just to keep me relaxed.


    Soak up that Vitamin D!

    How long do I have to pack:-?...Can we all join you:-? ;-)

    What could be better than sitting on a beach with a drink and a few nice friends.Hope you are feeling ok Millie X

    oh Thanks so much sunny!..The only o vit.D.i get here is out of a tablet bottle!:-0...Yes thanks I feel so much all I have to do is stay that way!;-)

    Glad you are feeling better millie, hope you stay that way too.

    Too much sand, and never usually any shade

    Africa- on a month long camera safari (ooch my back already hurts more) OR a beautiful island in the sun (WARM)


    doolittle, I tripped on a relatives DANGEROUS step yesterday and further injured my injured back OW!!!! I don’t know what to do. Should I write a note to my doctor describing the incident? Take pictures? Get an attorney? My relative is a contractor too and surely knows better.
    I don’t want this incident to mess up my family (and it could) However, I’m afraid I’m already messed up. $$$
    Hey! I’d join you in warm sand. I’ll pass on the safari.
    I couldn’t get your address. Drop me a note to my address if you can. It’s the aol address. One of the moderator’s has it, I believe.

    I oked it w/ a mod. for them to give you my address- check it out with Colleen ot tell her again you want my address or give her your to give to me. I'm sorry you hurt yourself again. We carry insurance just for this purpose. Have you talked to your family member? If not, maybe give it a try and def takes pictures of the steps!

    It turned out that I’m ok. I fell face forward into a knee pushup position. It scared my husband more than it hurt me. I spent the day in a comfortable chair and tonight I’m as ok as I get.
    A couple of months ago i mentioned a wonder medicine that I’m taking. I’m not taking it anymore because I found out it can be dangerous. I’m sure not qualified to give out medical information.
    Hope you’re well.

    Itsme- the weather has been damp and chilly so it's been tough going but todat is sunny and warmer- that will help alot!

    I wish you a sunny day ... many sunny days. : ) (I wish the same for me)

    i`v just come back from a week of sun and golf in tenerife to the cold and rain,i know where i would sooner be.


    I can only guess, bowlesy.

    hasta la vista baby.

    I’m waiting for an incoming astroid due to come here within a month. It’s not a doomsday event ….just a dusty old pile of rocks. I hope to be close enough to make a little movie for my friends down south. We have an ongoing bet on the probability of an impact. I have a bet on the heap skipping since its inbound trajectory has changed several times and the total mass and volume are known. I won't know where it coming within 50 square miles until a couple of days before the event.       


    hopefully some will fall this way

    I wouldn't mind a month in our Gold Coast house.It's right on the seaway with it's own jetty,pool,5 bedrooms & a great yard & a tiny little beach all to itself. We see dolphins from our deck everyday when we are there.Sadly tho we have permanent tenants there at the moment so I guess we'll just have to wait them out.

    Off to Cuba next month and Las Vegas in March so that I can win back the Cuban vacation expense.;-)


    Of course, you'll check in here each night while you're away?

    How would I possible enjoy a relaxing vacation without a daily dose of AKAQA?

    My thoughts EXACTLY. Will you send us postcards?

    I was thinking real pictures instead of postcards.

    Okay...That will be fine and you'll be sending a "group photo" on what date?

    "group" photo ?

    Surely you're not going away to Cuba and then Vegas, alone? Come on digger, we want details!

    I thought a picture of yours truly sunbathing with a Speedo would suffice.

    Oh puhleeeeeeze...NO PICTURES!!!

    Phhhew !

    Don, There's really no place quite like Cuba.What to do in Cuba? That depends on what YOU like doing when vacationing. If all you want is sun,sand and booze, there's no better place on earth than Cuba.
    If you like sightseeing and entertainment, Havana is as incredible as she is unique.
    Try googling "Things to do in Havana"

    Italy, particularly the Amalfi coast

    Cove. Amalfi Coast, Campania, Italy ( color)


    Magic ... : )

    My daughter has been there a few times, she tells me it's absolutely beautiful

    On a beach in Morocco. Spent Christmas and New Year, one year, was like magic, away from cold weather, in UK, I did have a smile on my face relaxing, thinking of my friends. back in cold.


    Lol Dolly..mean too mean!..It`s freezing cold here in the!..Awaiting the snow this w/end!:-(

    millie111, saw on the paper, Uk in for lot snow. My wish is for Morocco, but Im in Ireland, and its very cold. In mornings take pegs of clothes on the line, cause of the frost, (white like light snow) the clothes just stay on the line, or is it ,Irish magic lol.

    England. I've always wanted to visit there since I've hardly been away from New England.


    Can we do a swap?:-)

    Probably back to Australia again, we spent a month there on east coast in 2000.  This time, in addition to family, maybe some time down south, rather than Darwin. 

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