    can a person who has a medical marijuana card grow it in the home and smoke it while children are present ?

    My ex husband and I have joint legal custody, but I alone have physical custody of our child (she lives in my home and he has visitation rights) However I do know that he has a medical marijuana card (which he truly doesnt need). I have recently learned that he is growing it in his garage. I absolutely do not want my child to be around this. She is 9. Do I have a legal leg to stand on? or I'm screwed until something goes wrong?

    0  Views: 761 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

    4 Answers

    You sure do.(Have a leg to stand on).He has no business what-so-ever exposing your kid to that crap.Report him & use it against him.It's what he deserves.He sounds like a real piece of work.

    Get those kids out of his house! Call child protective services now! Oh and call the cops too and tell them that you either know or suspect he is smoking it while the children are present. Have them check to make sure he is only growing what he is allowed to grow. Did you know that even though the state has legalized it, as far as the federal government is concerned it is still illegal to use? A good lawyer could still get his butt tossed in jail for smoking it around the kids. 

    Why would any parent even consider waiting around"until something goes wrong"?...They wouldn`t..You are right to be concerned about your child`s welfare...That`s your job!..(So do something about it)!

    Grow operations are dangerous for everyone. Plants should be grown outdoors or in appropriate greenhouses or sheds built for the purpose and NOT in homes or garages near houses. The chances of an electrical fire breaking out are huge as well as other environmental dangers like moulds and mildew which can cause horrible lung problems...not to mention some of the pesticides like Pokon, which is a genetic mutator for bugs and who knows what else. So, waiting for something to go wrong is in hindsight's already gone wrong!!!!!!!!!!


    But it could go more horribly wrong if she doesn`t act to protect her child!:-(...Someone needs to be a proper role model for this kid!

    Like I's already gone...and like you said "horribly" wrong even for adults...the chemicals used...the FIRE factor alone would make me call the cops.."card" or not, like Colleen said above...marijuana is still illegal to smoke and sell in many, many places in spite of all those whose names go on the list and receive medical marijuana cards from a health authority who/that does not make the laws(!)(another scam but I digress)....they are exposing a minor to illegal activities and substances according to law...pretty cut and dried as far as I can see. My children never, ever went to their dads' due to this very thing but I didn't need to Bambi in the headlites here.

    yep lindi I agree..but not only to the dangers you`ve mentioned! learn through their parents and often perceive that if that`s the way of life their mum or dad are conducting,then they may well see no wrong in it and think it`s normal behaviour and follow the drugs path later!..Not to mention the poison and law risks and illness that may well be in danger of!..And the fact that the Mother is aware of what`s going on..and sending her child to the Father`s when she is in the know..could deem her an unsuitable parent too..the child may end up in care or worse..I`d alert the authorities if I were here and in the meantime only let the man access to the child away from it all in a neutral environment..if she`s happy to do that..or contact via a supervised contact centre!

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