18 Answers
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll....... how is the scale measured?
Here it is... the brainium outside of the cranium... what do you think? Keep in mind that I live in the Great White North (Sort of) and it has been proven that people who live in the North have bigger brains.
12 years ago. Rating: 21 | |
I have just ordered myself a set of interchangeable eyeballs from L.L. Bean. I can hardly wait until they arrive.
It would be interesting if we could take our brainiums out and compare the bumps and wrinkles. What a morbid and hilarious party that would be... "Oh look at that bump! Hector really loves dogs. That is obvious!" :)
On a side note, I buy biodegradable doggy bags. One package that I purchased acutally biodegraded in the package before I could finish using them. There was poofy green powder all over my cupboard. I couldn't help but think, as I was cleaning up... if I had left it just a little longer would the poofy green powder completely disappear? ... What's your thinking on this subject?
Well i didnt vote for obama. So not really too dumb.
12 years ago. Rating: 18 | |
Sometimes I'm dumb enough to think people really Do care! Sometimes I feel deaf, dumb, and blind (damn tequila-LOL). I liked the movie Dumb and Dumber. Occasionally I am Dumbfounded! I prefer the words: stupid, idiot, and speech impaired. My cat is the smart one in the family :)
12 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
IQ 168 but I have managed to knock it down to a nice manageable number and my hair is not on fire. Last time I checked, Densa was seeking to enroll me. So I’m quite relieved from the bizarre emotional strain of excessive thinking among rooms full of Mensa-ites seeking personal status revival by hurling vacuous questions designed to prey upon ones every thought in triumph over time.
11 years ago. Rating: 3 | |