    Do YOU have psychic ability with your pet or with A pet?


    We have been feeding a lost Sheltie dog and housing her. (a small box) She is housed in the overhang of an empty building. She will not come close to my husband and me but last night I had a nightmare that I was crying. I woke up this AM and found out that it had rained hard during the night. We have been caring for her for about 7 weeks. I lose sleep when it comes close to freezing and worse when it rains because her fur would get wet and cause pneumonia or Arthritis. Her box is 200 yards from my garage and she will come within 100 feet of me -- no closer.

    This morning I rushed over because I thought her box would be wet. She came out and looked TERRIBLE -- all shaggy & dirty. She stood about 50 feet from me and looked directly into my eyes! She communicated that 1) She is eating the food I serve 2) She is sleeping in the box 3) She wants help but cannot come close ... She will die if something doesn’t happen & soon.

    There are a million sites on Google. Yes, I read them. I would like to know if YOU have had any psychic experiences with a dog ... or cat. What does “Maggy May” want?



    I have contacted all the agencies. Nobody can catch her so now the agencies have  given up. Ideas? She is beautiful and sad. 

    +2  Views: 983 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    What an idea! Thank you.

    8 Answers

    Oh, how sad! Call Animal Allies. They will come and trap the dog, look after his health and and adopt him out. They dont euthanize Animals. What  this unfortunate animal is telling you, is I am lost and cold, but I dont know if I can trust you and thank you for the food.
    You can also rent a dog trap and bring him into your home.But for the time beeing, he would have to be in a room by himself, with a baby gate seperating him from all the other rooms, cover the entire floor with plastic and then Newspapers. He would need a dog bed to sleep in and of course always fresh water and some food. It might take a week or two, before he starts trusting you.
    I dont know, if you are up to it. Would be very rewarding. I dont know another solution, but this is what I would do. .


    I will check Animal Allies. (Haven’t looked to see if they exist in California yet-I will.) It seems like you understand how this is effecting me ... and my family. Nobody is right. I sat and stared at the TV most of the day while my husband tried to make a cage to trap Maggie May. (He can’t do it) We will not be able to calm the dog down. This will take experts. If possible, we both want to keep Maggie May. It’s 10:30 PM, I have to stop checking the temperature. Thanks, Ann.
    Oh, it’s cold now but summer might come and what then. Shelties have a double coat. We’ll have to build her a pool. It can get to be 105 degrees.

    If the animal control agencies will not come, see if they will bait the area with sedative.  It will enable her to be caught.  Or call your local television station and let them know, and that the animal control will not help.  We have a news station with "Turn to 10", the name of their segment.  They are often very helpful, especially if it makes a good story!  Good luck...


    Hmmmm .... Both my parents were journalists. I wrote a column for awhile. I do know the power that the newspaper can have. I thought of it on the corner of my mind and then brushed it off. I feel like I can’t explain the situation but things are getting pretty desperate over here.
    Her area is huge. Shelties are bred to herd sheep. She really gets around ... or she did. After the rain and the coldness that came afterward, she may not be so spiffy. I cry.

    yes, I do have a psychic ability with all my pets exept my fish I can tell when my cat is hungry and I can ask my dog if she wants to play and she will respond though her eyes and I can tell when my hamster is scared. if you want to keep the dog DO NOT CALL ANIMAL CONTROL they will try to take her away and you may never see her again. call an animal expert or an animal trainer to see if they can help you. if she has problems call a vet. also you should see if she has a microchip if she does call the number and see if who answers owns the dog.


    I hadn’t thought about a vet because they are sooo expensive. However,
    I can ask. I don’t have the dog caged in in anyway. She’s loose in the neighborhoods. She evades cars in a most unusual way. She evades any kind of capture. Today was the first time we connected. (just eyes)I will attempt to find an expert - or rather keep on looking for an expert.

    Just take her in and adopt her......since nobody claims her. If you let her know she's yours, she'll come around and let you pet her and come in the house. Sometimes dogs or cats show up in the right person's yard......the person that fate meant for them to have that animal. ......Like my 3rd cat, Willow. I didn't want a 3rd cat, but one day she showed up in my jungle in the back of my yard calling to me. She was almost emaciated, adn pregnant, and was only  a   " teenager " .....the vet said. She's very affectionate.She's been my cat now since 2008 .


    I believe like you do, Juliana. It’s a strong psychic power. However, Maggie May is just too slow to trust. She hangs around an adult day care across the street. This place has activities for elderly people who have Altzheimers. She keeps going to that door on the weekends. The people there haven’t seen her! I believe she is strongly bonded to one of the old people there. Maybe her master or mistress died and in the confusion, she got shoved away. No body seems to see her of know her. My fate. My luck. MY DOG. Bless.

    I will not mark any answers as MARK AS THE BEST ANSWER. Every answer is just your answer. I am grateful for each one. Just being understood means a lot to me right now.

    I'm not sure if I have psychic ability with my cats, but my boy cat knows how to control me.


    When I'm sad my cat jumps on me and kneeds me like I'm her mother cat. It feels good for awhile and then she gets too dang heavy. Every now and then she gets a claw in there. She's funny.
    If you boy cat controls you, he "gets" you. That's psychic if you ask me.

    Yes I agree itsmee, he does that self same thing as your cat.

    I'm sure if you keep feeding her, and talking to her, she will eventualy come to you. She knows already that youi care for her and love her. She just had to build up her trust in you, good luck sounds like you will have another family member soon.


    Yes, sunnyB, I'm moving along. There was a giant step today. Keep in touch!

    Oh I'm glad, keep us all posted.


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