1 Answer
Things You'll Need
internet connection
First ,try contacting the institution or agency where you studied. Even if they don't have your records on file , they can refer you to someone who does.
Many times the programs are sponsored by a local high school. Your local education department will have this information.
Contact your local State Department of Education. Most telephone directories list government listings in a special section. There should be listings there for education.
If all else fails the United States Department of Education can most certainly help you out.
There is a record of your achievements out there. It may take a little effort, but you can get a copy of your diploma.
If they only offer a transcript of your achievements, you may be able to use the transcript to have a certificate or diploma created .
Read more: How to Get a Copy of Your GED Certificate | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_4921117_copy-of-ged-certificate.html#ixzz2HDkyHJ3j
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