    What are the side effects when some one short make a surgery to his knees to get taller.

    I know after the surgery its really painful and the person will be in pain for six months. But the thing is if they r going to make his legs tall what about his upper body ????? 

    0  Views: 871 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

    3 Answers

    Yes, there is a cosmetic surgery that will make you taller, but it is VERY painful, and I'm not sure if a cosmetic surgeon would be the type of surgeon to perform the surgery. My educated guess would be that an orthopedic surgeon would do it. What they do is they break your legs and then piece them back together with pins. This surgery is VERY costly and painful. You will need to use a wheelchair for 6 months or more. This surgery can make you anywhere from 3-6 inches taller depending upon how much you are willing (or have to spend). The taller you want to be, and the more complications you have, the more it costs. Insurance does NOT pay for this type of surgery, so you will have to pay for it out of pocket. It costs anywhere from $10-80,000 depending upon how tall you want to be and how much you have to spend. The surgery takes anywhere from 6-12 months (sometimes longer) to do. When your bones have fussed back together, they remove the pins via the way of a small operation. This surgery is VERY serious and should ONLY be done for people with severe limb deformities (such as people with dwarfism), and your results may not be worth all of the pain you endure. You should consider this VERY carefully!!!!!


    I have never judged a man by his physical stature.Get over it.You are probably the only one so focused on your height.

    I've never heard of such a surgery. Why go through all that even if it is possible. Buy shoes with lifts.

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