i struggle to hold relationships and have come to the conclusion i shouldnt commit again. i miss companionship and fear growing old and lonely. can u have your cake and eat it to? i mean i dont like hurting people and cant see how to work this. i have maintained good contact with my ex wife and former girlfreinds and i am not a player. need some advice please.
4 Answers
Like yourself more. I use to think the same as you. I've found that lonely only comes if you do not like yourself. I also found that I can not commit to relationships because they demand more than I am willing to give. Relationships require a level of changing to suit the others needs that I find hard to do. I like me and I like my life just as it is. I have my friends, my dogs and my birds. My time is filled and there's no time to be lonely. I'll not grow old alone in a world filled with millions of people.
Welcome to akaQA Steve :)
12 years ago. Rating: 6 | |