    Post natal depression

    What can you tell me.

    We have a nephew who got married last year & recently his wife had a baby boy. The wife is now not talking to us because when they arrived at our house Xmas day my wife alledgedly grabbed the baby from her & didn't even say Merry Xmas.Beleive it or not this has caused a very large ripple effect right thru the family.What I want to know is, is this enough to distress someone to this extent? Could it be PND? My wife rang her to apologise & her apology was rejected.

    +8  Views: 991 Answers: 5 Posted: 11 years ago

    Have a wee word in your nephews ear Tom,and as Ducky said give them a bit of time.

    Actually,we had no idea of the drama going on within the family until the nephew called in & had a wee word with us.

    I have a new Granddaughter born on 8th of Dec mate, never seen her yet, apart from pics on facebook, the way the world goes now!

    5 Answers

    Could be post natal depression or just exhaustion and raging hormones.  Also, sometimes a new mother gets rather "possessive" of her new little one and deep down, wants to hold her baby all the time. Of course, this is also the time, that many other people want to hold and cuddle the new baby so it becomes almost a "competition" over the baby. New moms are easily upset but this will pass with time.  Be patient.


    Yes! Hormones! of course! I never thought of that. Thanks Ducty. Oops sorry Ducky.

    You're welcome Timmy! :)

    Well at least you didn't call me tapey.

    I don't get it. In my family, babies are the center of the world. Grown-up are second place. Love the baby and  you are tops.  I'd go with "hormones" too. Sounds a little bit like jealousy here.....


    I'll go along with that Julie.Babies & kids are the centre of the world in this family too.
    Don't they have district nurses whom come to the house now? Maybe your nephew should mention that to one of them or even her doctor.

    Also when woman have children often they get left out its all about the baby, sounds like she isn't having her needs met. She sounds sad and I know post natal depression comes in many different forms so I would make a few suggestions like joining a support group, them having some time out it sounds like she doesn't cope with situations well.

    I haven't been blessed in life to have children , I have seen post natal depression in all forms and for the woman it's really hard to comprehend.

    Tommy trust your instincts here you may have to step in, at first it will be unwanted but after a few months they will be very thankful.

    Good luck.

    Thanks Regie.We're working on it.
    Deleted User

    Just keep an eye on her, sometimes they do very strange things.
    Sounds like she needs a break but actually do something for herself ..

    I don't know if that kind of behavior is PND (I had severe, actual DEPRESSION),  This sounds like bitchiness, which could start anywhere. 
    Your wife made an apology, unnecessary as it probably was.  New Mommy needs to get over herself.  Nephew needs to step up to the plate and tell her she over-reacted and offer to help her unbunch the panties.   Let her get away with that NOW and "it" could just get worse.   


    Oh! she ain't getting away with it,trust me.:)

    That's what I thought too. . . . rudeness and lack of social skills...especially b/c she didn't accept the apology. She sounds like my brother's wife. LOL

    I agree 100% Bob,I would tell the nephew to have a word with his wife , and tell them both to grow up Tommyh, it's not all about them. As they will find out as the child gets older.

    If this is your nephew and his wife's first baby this can be completely normal (Unreasonable) behaviour.  Sad and true.  Women can get very weird with the first and very newborn baby.  Most of the time new Moms wiggle their way out of this mindset without ever admitting they behaved this way.  I have a friend who has decided (Quite purposely) to become completely ridiculous while pregnant and beyond... she thinks it is her right.  She is horrible.  She was once the sweetest woman to walk the planet earth... I am glad she lives a very long ferry ride away now.  I will wave from a distance and send a gift when the baby is born.  Then I will talk to her again when her children graduate from University.  :D ... She is nasty and scary... makes me shiver.


    I never came across anyone like that. How sad for her. When my first was born (prematurely), I had some bad post-partum depression...I didn't know it, and finally started feeling a little better after 5 months, only to find myself pregnant again. I kept telling my "oh so wonderful" husband that if I got "like that" again after #2 was born, GET ME SOME HELP.

    I have met mothers who don't want anyone to hold their first born.
    I didn't have post-partum depression with my first born. I had, "Oh shoot! Now I really am stuck with that guy!" and I was for 16 more years. That was depressing.

    My husband left me, and I'm fine with it now, though I do harbor resentments that I push away when they pop their ugly heads. I was miserable, but would have stayed in the marriage until my last breath. I guess I owe him thanks for leaving. You have a GOOD husband now, Fishlet, and I know you are happy with your life. Good thing that 16 years wasn't your LAST 16 years. :D

    I had some pretty sad thoughts toward the end. It was difficult leaving. I thought I could stick with it but, one day I woke up and new I had to change something.

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