    I have a cousin who has a very successful law practice. I emailed him a question and he told

    his mother that he was very angry at me for doing so, and that he didn't have the time(oh yeah, pay him and he suddenly finds the time!). He did say, however, that he would answer my question for a fee. It was a simple question. In the time he took to complain about it to his mother, he could've answered me. Do you think that asking a relative a question in his/her/ (its-lol) field of practice warrants behavior like this?

    +3  Views: 1050 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago

    Tell your cousin that good lawyers always give free consultations. Then tell him to grow up and quit being a whiner.

    6 Answers

    I don't think a simple question should evoke such a response. It makes me wonder whether or not there is a family history that creates and feeds such a response. Your cousin somehow believed it was relevant to include his mother in his commiserations, so it creates a question in my mind, regarding what reward he got out of doing that.


    No "family history" involved.

    It's all about the money when it comes to Lawyers.You would have been better off asking us the question.

    How silly. And to complain to his mommy? I ask my lawyer sister for advice all of the time. Her husband is a doctor and I don't hesitate with him either. Some cousin, he ought to be ashamed....

    I find that very strange indeed, since you are related to this family. Familly usually sticks together , trying to help each other out.
    Next time ask a lawyer on the internet, They dont charge half as much.

    His limited power sounds like it`s gone to his head!...Most families I know would be more than happy to help out their own...but in doing so may have recommended him to others who would pay for a good he may well have lost out there!..At least you can see him for what he is now!:-¬

    I guess I'll be in the minority here. The "way" that he handled it, was less than classy.  However, to ask ANYONE who operates a business of ANY kind, to do something for FREE, is also classless. No one is obligated to do things for free and they should never be put into a position of finding it necessary to say NO, as they have every right to do. It matters not if it's just "a little favor" always is according to the asker, or because they are a friend, or a relative or...or...or.  Unless you are prepared to pay, do the research yourself....for free!


    P.S. Ask any business owner, what they think of people who request things for free. They'll be more than happy to tell you!

    I couldn't have worded it better.

    Thank you.

    So Ducky, if you had a callus on one of your webbed feet (lol), and you asked your podiatrist cousin (and he's no "quack") what the best way is to get rid of it, and he tells you over the phone, "There's a Doctor Scholl's product you can buy over the counter at virtually any drug store", it's ok for him to charge you for an office visit?

    I would not think of asking in the first place. I know various people in various professions and no...I NEVER EVER ask! That is not true friendship.
    (And I bandage my own webbed feet!)

    Ducky, did one of your feathered relatives ever try to sell you insurance? If so, what happened?

    No but I was asked to be the "voice". I couldn't quack it right, so they fired me. I kept saying "flaplak" or "flaklap" or "flaflaf"...just couldn't get it right.

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