5 Answers
Karma. You only get what you sow. Put out only good and only good things come back to you in a strong manner. Put out only bad and only bad things come back to you in a strong manner. Put out a mix and you get a mix back but both karmas are weakened because of each other so you do not get strong good or strong bad coming back at you.
12 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
The best things in life are free,
12 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
I believe we make our own luck, the negative things we encounter we learn from, choose to see the positive and accept that things happen for a reason, sometimes beyond our control,I recently stayed with some very ill and terminally ill people, those I thought had every right to be sad and miserable, instead I found a happy, positive caring group of people that's friendship I will cherish. I feel privileged having the opportunity to share many memorable moments and good times. Look around and you may find that you already have what many wish for.
12 years ago. Rating: 4 | |