
    what is the meaning of therapy

    0  Views: 1604 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    Therapy (in Greek: θεραπε?α), or Treatment, is the attempted remediation of a health problem, usually following a diagnosis. In the medical field, it is synonymous with the word "treatment". Among psychologists, the term may refer specifically to psychotherapy or "talk therapy".

    Preventive therapy or prophylactic therapy is a treatment that is intended to prevent a medical condition from occurring. For example, many vaccines prevent infectious diseases. An abortive therapy is a treatment that is intended to stop a medical condition from progressing any further. A medication taken at the earliest signs of a disease, such as at the very symptoms of a migraine headache, is an abortive therapy.

    A supportive therapy is one that does not treat or improve the underlying condition, but instead increases the patient's comfort.[1] Supportive treatment may be used in palliative care.

    Overtreatment is an overutilization, a treatment that is unnecessary or disproportionate to the situation. For example, the treatment of a condition that causes no symptoms and will go away on its own is overtreatment. Similarly, extensive treatment for a condition that could be remedied with very limited treatment is overtreatment. Overtreatment may be caused by overdiagnosis, the identification of harmless abnormalities.

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