I feel a little criticism from my daughter for not leading her to believe in these fairy tales. She is going to stress them with her children. I didn’t stress Santa because it seemed like a lie. I didn’t say there was no Santa, I just didn’t play him up.
My parents did the same with me. However, on Christmas eve I hearding the prancing and pawing of each little hoof on our roof. I was a Santa believer despite them.
9 Answers
These old customs have very deep meanings other than we celebrate today. Too bad we have lost these ways. Find literature on them to learn their deeper meanings. I'm sure you'll be pleasantly surprised.
12 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
I can't see the harm in it. We encourage it with our grandkids,As we did with our 2 girls & they never grew up with any illusions. There has been a lot of debate about whether Santa is a Christian thing or a Pagan thing or whatever. The bottom line to me is,It's a GOOD thing because it creates so much joy in little kids.
12 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
I told my son before his friends at school could that there was no Santa, it was the parents after all. He thought about it a while and finally said, "I suppose there is no Easter Bunny either?".....
12 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
Hey itsmee, the town where I used to live had a Christmas parade- and both Santa and the Easter Bunny road on top of the hook 'n ladder. So, I know for sure that they are real ;).....Kids eventually figure it out I don't see the harm in it. My 18 yr old niece just discovered that I was the Santa that brought her the hamster one year ;)
12 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
The only fight that my son ever got in was to defend the honor of Santa. He was about 9 years old. Some kid told him there was no Santa, he argued the point and it got a little physical. We did not tell him otherwise, but said that he could believe what he wanted. I think he did for 1 or 2 more years. He loves all the magic that I made for he and his sis, and plans on doing same with his children! It is not to say that they do not understand the "reason of the season", they acknowledge the religion, but had fun with Santa! So there can be both, and why not let kids have some innocent fun?
12 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Did it really effect any of us, of course not, all children should be encouraged to develop their imagination, including make believe, St. Nicholas did actually exist, like all folk law the events become exaggerated, unfortunately we out grow the innocence, and become in some cases cynical Adults --- for my grand children sake i believe in these marvalous characters, as long as needed.
12 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
I have a very good friend whom told her young son from the day he was born she told him, I'm Santa , I'm the Easter bunny, her theory was nobody was taking credit for buy her children when she worked so hard to make these things happen for him.
We tell our children trust me lol, how can we stay that ? The kids in the dentist chair in tears and we say trust me it won't hurt, when my mum said that I use to think yeah but for 10 years you tried to convince me Santa existed lol..
I think sadly all it does is puts extra pressure on the parents and if you are not able to provide the things children want it causes a lot stress and pressure.. Would that be the same if we didn't have the fantasy or these made up people?
I look at children like Jehovah witnesses and it's sad that they miss out on christmas and birthdays because of beliefs. How can anyone look at a young child and not want to give them a little gift?
It's sad that's these parts of the year have become so commercialised that the true meaning behind these days are lost in the big sales..
12 years ago. Rating: 6 | |