    One more sleep!

    It's 3:45 in the afternoon here & my grand-daughter has already been in her pyjamas for an hour.

    I guess the sooner you get to sleep.....the sooner Santa comes.

    Merry Christmas everyone.

    +8  Views: 2636 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: kids

    Isn't it Christmas down under now? Have a very, merry one and make it great for the kids! I still have my memories to go on....

    12 Answers

    LOL- Merry Christmas Tommy!  Christmas will be fun for you!  Nothing like excited kids on Christmas morning!  (I expect she'll get you up bright and early!)  Have fun!


    I hope yours is good too Doo.
    (I think I'm as excited as the kids LOL)

    Kids make Christmas a total joy!!!

    Kids make Christmas a total joy in there intrest today don't they hehe my daughter is like watching a movie and shes still in her pjs and im like get dress and shes like shut up

    yeah..that`s EXACTLY what kids do!..You can`t go to sleep until Santa`s been..and they wait up for that...then they wake you up again at 4AM!:-)..Bah Humbug!LOL!;-)

    Thanks Tommy, I hope you have a good one. Cheers.   *<I:-)


    Merry Xmas PL.

    Christmas without little Children is never the same. You are one lucky Grandpa. My grandchildren are all grown. It was magical when they were small. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!


    No Great grand kids yet Ann?

    (((Merry Christmas, Ann)))

    Romos, no, not yet.

    Merry Christmas to you too, Itsmee and Romos. Hope your holidays are happy!
    Christmas is all about the kids :) ..
    Merry christmas Tommy I hope it's not to hot your way ... Xo

    too hot ... oh, I wish here in California.

    It's a beautiful day here.6:15am & not hot yet.
    Merry Xmas Regina.
    Deleted User

    Thunder is has woken me up .. Gotta love the relief of a thunder storm ..
    Merry christmas Tommy

    Merry Christmas, and I'm sure your grand daughter will have a great day, (still lots of daylight left there though)

    That's how my great-neice counts off the days till something happens.She started doing that when she was about 4. For example, she'll say,  " 3 more sleeps ! "  ( till her grandparents arrive from out of state) .or untill she and her family go to see them.

    Im,going to chuck somemore logs on the fire,and have some applejack,Happy Xmas Tommy,

    And are you all set with the assembly of all the toys, Tom?  My son-in-law just stopped by to pick up stuff for tomorrow.  He said that he spent over 4 hrs. assembling a toy train table.  He is a business exec., and not so much the handyman type.He tries hard, mostly to try and impress me.  He enjoys all the projects which we have done together, his dad was not handy.  It is a pain then, but we dads step back and really beam with pride over our feats of challenge, especially when the little ones enjoy their toys!   Merry Christmas to our Aussie friends.  We are off to see wife's Aussie mom at nursing home, I will tell her I wrote to an Aussie friend on line.. 


    Merry Xmas to you & yours Ray.Say G'day to your Mum in law from me.Tell her it's a beautiful summer day here in Qld.Spent yesterday assembling a 14 foot trampoline in the back yard & considerable hours last week building a Punch & Judy puppet show.It's all part of the fun.Merry Xmas mate.

    Sorry Tommy, I can only tell Mum in my prayers, she passed on in Sept. Regards, Ray

    I remember the Christmas when my  little brother was so excited he threw up on my hula hoop, it was still a great day!


    LOL!! Ahh...memories are made of this!

    Ha Ha. I’ll bet you were very cross.
    Julie ... my pal who thinks the same as me a lot of the time.

    Luckily it was a hoop, it let most of it slop through, a teddy bear would have been a disaster! Merry Christmas...

    I'm very visual, people...stop it! lol

    I was upset for a split second but it WAS Christmas and Santa Clause had come!
    Am I the only one who thinks Santa is a stalker?
    Cause he gets inside your house by using a chimney instead of using the front door.

    He sieze you when you’re sleeping
    He knows when you’re awake
    He knows if you you’ve been BAD or Good

    Sandy Claws is indeed scary
    Santa Claws ... Yikes!

    I don’t know if my grandkids believe or not. They want ME to think they do. They don’t want to disappoint me. I know them guys. : D

    Count your blessings' will be over all too soon, then you'll be wishing it were not T(maybe)


    It's 6:15 Xmas morning & I'm waiting for the kids to arrive.Merry Xmas mate.

    Since Santa does not call to me any more, and I dont have children. Christmas is not the same. Happy Christmas Tommy, Happy NY.


    Well happy new year Dolly. Xmas is well & truly over & it's boxing day here.A nice quiet day for us.(I hope) :)

    Happy Boxing day Tommy, missed this post, most likely i was peparing for the Big Day, feel pretty seedy this morning thou, but worth it.

    Ahhh! How I remember that feeling Kent.LOL
    The last time I felt that way was 2001.The day after St.Patricks Day,New Orleans.I don't miss the hangovers.LOL

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