    Are there any cat experts on board?

    My cat has diarrhea. What shall I do? 

    I'll go checking on the internet but in the meantime ... anybody know?   : X ((((

    +6  Views: 1084 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers


    Diarrhea is not a disease in itself but rather a symptom that something is wrong with your cat or kitten's health. This could be a minor problem or could signify a more serious illness.

    >>>     Read more about the causes and treatment of diarrhea in cats and kittens 



    I'm starting there. I hope it's minor!

    I'm no expert but whatever you do don't give the cat milk.Most people don't realize that most cats are lactose intolerant.This will cause diarrhorea.make sure she has plenty of cool water.


    cool water in a clean bowl coming up. : )
    I’ve been trying to feel her gums to find out if she’s dehydrated. It’s not an easy job.

    Make sure she has water to drink. If it is not getting better within 24 hrs., you need to take her to the Vet. Dont give her aspirin, it can make her very sick.
    You can give her a little boiled rice with boiled chicken .


    I bought the chicken and then I didn’t know what to do with it. Thanks, Ann.

    NO ASPIRIN FOR CATS!!!!!  Dogs are more tolerant of people medicine than cats.  It is most likely something he/ she ate.  Clean water and just a bit of dry food for now.  Hot ears and a dry hot nose are two other signs of dehydration/illness for cats.  Might take a day or two but she'll probably be fine as long as the diahreah is occasional- if she is going non-stop a visit to the vet might be in order.  I've had cats my entire life and only once did it signify a bad disease.  


    Never knew that.It worked a treat on the dogs.Thanks Doo.

    no prob Tommy- Dogs are given a lot of human drugs in smaller amts. by vets but cats can''s a pretty common error that people make.

    Is your cat still eating?  Loss of appetite is a sign of real illness. Could be it just has a case of the runs......


    JHHarlan, i have not heard that expression for years - The Runs. :-)

    With my housemate, it's all too common a term....

    I always call it the runs too, whether it's animal or human

    I think it was just a case of the runs. She’s hungry now but I’m holding back on her food to make sure she’s alright.

    Dehydration is the symptom of diarrhorea that makes you feeel even worse.She is certainly dehydrated if she has diarrhorea. Just as an afterthought Itsmee,my late uncle (who was a dog expert) used to give his dogs an aspirin if they were a bit off colour. He used to race greyhounds.He reckoned it couldn't hurt.Might be worth a try.Hope poor old puss fels better soon. Good luck.

    I was going to say what Tommy did.........that giving a cat milk might cause the can chocolate. Maybe if your cat went outdoors, it ate or drank something that gave it the runs. It's probably natures way of cleaning out your cat's digestive system. But,, if it continues after say........3 days, then take it to the vet.

    My cats have had it a few times, as everyone says it's probably something the cats eaten. If it still has it after a couple of days take it to a vet. treat the cat as you would yourself eat food but not too rich, and plenty of water.


    ❲ `-_-´ ❳

    Oh, Peeve is an inside cat. I lost a cat by letting her run outside in the woods. It was almost impossible to keep her in the house. I swear, she’d knock you down getting out. Anyway, she thought she was a raccoon and that just didn’t work for her. <sob> 

    easy way to check for dehydration, gently pull up the scruff of the neck then let go, if the skin springs back quickly all is fine,if the skin is very slow to respond the cat is dehydrated.

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